When the Benalla affair parasitizes the debates in the Assembly


Chaotic Debates, Sittings Suspensions, Opposition Investigation Committee Requests: The "State Scandal" of the Benalla Affair Invited Thursday to the National Assembly, Parasing the Already Complicated Debates on Reform

Upon resumption of discussions in the morning, the elected LR Eric Ciotti attack the custody of the seals Nicole Belloubet on the facts "extremely serious" revealed Wednesday evening by Le Monde on the employee of the Elysee Alexander Benalla, shown hitting a protester in a video shot on May 1.

The minister refers to "absolutely unsuitable acts" and adds that "if it seems necessary", the prosecutor will take "the necessary decisions", while almost at the same At the moment, the Paris public prosecutor announces the opening of a preliminary inquiry.

The debates on the constitutional text, at their eighth day and far from being completed with still some 1,500 amendments to the bad (weekend included), then continue in a relative calm.

But shortly before the break of mid-day, the Insoumis Jean-Luc Mélenchon raises the tone in the corridors, and claims the seizure of a investigating judge and sanctions for officials at the Elysee Palace. In the hemicycle, communists or socialists demand that the Minister of the Interior Gerard Collomb come to explain.

In the ranks of the majority, some are wondering how to extinguish the fire, seeing "no other solutions "that a departure from Mr. Benalla. "It would not be useless for the temporary layoff to become a definitive withdrawal or, at the very least, withdrawn from the Elysee until the court decision," observes Florent Boudié (LREM).

Opposition, the case raises the demands of creation of a commission of inquiry on the violence having enamelled the 1st-May in Paris, emanating from the Insoumis, communists and socialists, but also of LR, which redeposed a resolution, targeted on the case

Who gave the orders? What role did the employee of the Elysée have? Did the Minister of the Interior know? In particular, the "Insoumis"

– "Crisis meeting" –

When work resumed at 3 pm, the recalls followed one by one for more than two hours, the oppositions still requiring explanations from the executive and an answer on the commission of inquiry.

"What justified that his hierarchy, in the first rank the president of the Republic, decided to hide this business to the justice?", asks in particular the boss LR Christian Jacob

"Do not let this affair rot," says Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Sebastien Jumel denounces "a real scandal of state."

In the corridors, Gilles Le Gendre, one of the vice-presidents LREM, affirms that his group "does not wish a parliamentary commission of inquiry" and pleads to wait for them results of the investigation of the Justice and the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN).

And he accuses the oppositions of "binding for three hours to exploit this case and block the constitutional debate". [19659015] After a long suspension of sitting, the president of the Assembly François de Rugy (LREM) says he wants "that the government can (…) express itself", but not to have "answer at this stage" to the requests opposition

The boss of LREM deputies Richard Ferrand intervenes: he does not "have the impression that at this stage it is reasonable to think (…) that there would be a will to quell what whether it is "

For the opposition," it is a question of seizing a situation for "give it a more political dimension," he protested.

He would not oppose a parliamentary inquiry, "if the legal conditions are met," and invite his colleagues to create the conditions for "resuming serenely" the debates. New suspension.

Around 18:00, crisis meeting on the steps of the courtyard, says an AFP journalist. Christophe Castaner, Nicole Belloubet, François de Rugy, Richard Ferrand and other tenors of the majority, including Marc Fesneau (MoDem) or Yaël Braun-Pivet, discuss in small groups, obviously seeking a way out. A "feather hat meeting", tackle LR Philippe Gosselin on Twitter

At the end of the day, the group presidents gather around Mr. de Rugy

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