"Who is America", the new social satire of Sacha Baron Cohen


Sacha Baron Cohen is back to play a bad trick on American politicians. More unrecognizable than ever, the British comedian returns to the types of offbeat interviews that made his success in his new show "Who is America", which caused a scandal even before the broadcast of the first part.

Famous for his character gallery, from Kazakh Borat to host Ali G to Austrian homobadual Brüno, Sacha Baron Cohen made his fame by entrapping anonymous or celebrities. Through scenarios that often flirt with the absurd, he evokes the flaws of our society and denounces the excesses.

The first of seven planned episodes of "Who is America?" was broadcast Sunday on the US cable channel Showtime and will be on Monday on Cbad +.

Policies on the grill

Former Republican candidate for the United States Vice-President Sarah Palin, victim of a hoax of the comedian denounced his methods and his humor "perverse".

She explained that she was invited to Washington to speak with a wheelchair veteran, who was actually Sacha Baron Cohen. The former governor of Alaska reproaches the producer and screenwriter of having, on this occasion, "mocked those who beat and served our country."

 Sacha Baron Cohen, disguised as an Israeli soldier , convinced Republican and NRA supporter Philip Van Cleave to shoot a video to promote access to weapons among very young children. "title =" Sacha Baron Cohen, disguised as an Israeli soldier, convinced the Republican and NRA support Philip Van Cleave to shoot a video to promote access to weapons among very young children. "/> <span clbad=

Sacha Baron Cohen, disguised as an Israeli soldier, convinced the Republican and NRA support Philip Van Cleave to shoot a video to promote access to weapons among very young children

© Showtime

The recorded footage was not broadcast in the first episode of "Who is America?", Where he tries to trap former Democratic primary candidate Bernie Sanders. The Socialist senator answers patiently to the questions of a man supposedly suffering from chronic diseases and is unscathed from the interview.

Weapons for infants

The stunt of this first issue comes into play in closing, when Sacha Baron Cohen, in the guise of a fake Israeli counterterrorism expert, Erran Morad, manages to register two elected Republicans of the House of Representatives a message supporting his fake program of training schoolchildren in handling

First Excerpt from "Who is America" ​​by Sacha Baron Cohen

"Our Founding Fathers Have Not Set an Age Limit for the Second Amendment" to the US Constitution, which authorizes the possession of 'a weapon,' explains Republican Joe Wilson, arguing that a 'three-year-old' must be able to defend himself alone where appropriate.

The show has been widely acclaimed by critics as well as animators and comedians. Judd Apatow, director of "Crazy Amy" or "40 years old: how to use", found her "amazingly funny" in a message posted on Twitter, while the director of "Get Out", Jordan Peele, l considered "essential".

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