Why Brussels Airlines was in heavy loss in 2017


Raphael Meulders

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Conflicts with insurers following the attacks, reimbursement of state aid: the Belgian company has slates

It keeps repeating it. According to Lufthansa boss Carsten Spohr, the results of his Belgian subsidiary Brussels Airlines were disappointing last year. This is one of the reasons why the German "big boss" has dismissed former Belgian boss Bernard Gustin and his financial director Jan De Raeymaeker. "La Libre" plunged into the company's 2017 results and they are unequivocal: with a net loss of 61.8 million euros, Brussels Airlines has experienced one of its darkest years in its history. short story.

But it is important to relativize this figure: the operating profit remains (slightly) positive and, above all, the situation of cash (204 million euros) is judged "solid" and better than in 2016. " There is no need to worry about the continuity of our activities" explains in the company.

Repay the State … with interests


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