Why do I love Prince William, the eldest son of Lady Diana married to Kate Middleton?


Long live Prince William! Although he is part of the royal family, Prince William's life is far from rosy. When he was born on June 21, 1982, his parents' marriage was far from solid. Charles and Diana look good in front of the cameras but when the photographers are no longer there, the tension is palpable. As we return this morning to Victoria Beckham's statements about the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, it seems high time for me to mention Prince William. Typical Case of the Perfect Heir, William is a man who, over the years, has proven himself more than fit to rule over the United Kingdom.

The fans of the series The Crown know it today: to be at the head of an empire like this is not easy. In addition to a very strict protocol, individual personalities must gradually fade in favor of the figure of the sovereign. And if William showed us one thing while growing up, it is possible to pretend to the throne without respecting this rule . Yes, if Prince William acceded to the throne in 2018, all the British would be delighted to be "directed" by a monarch so cool and fresh. And this attitude is well on the account of his mother, Diana Spencer, who brought him and his brother Harry in amusement parks, clinics specializing in the treatment of people with the AIDS virus and refuges for them. homeless when they were young.

Very early, Prince William showed remarkable generosity. Aware of his rank and his obligations, he has always paid special attention to the protection of others. Some of us will be tempted to compare his almost divine goodness with the death of his mother when he was only 15 years old . Marked forever by the death of the one who strove to protect his brother and him, he did not react in the same way as Prince Harry. If he shut himself up, Prince William did not stop going to the others. Filled with good intentions, Wills as the press calls it multiplied the activities during his adolescence: football, swimming, basketball and finally water-polo.

At university, same story. Prince William exchanged his dormitories for a roommate, the one in which he got closer to Kate Middleton. Moreover, this last is not foreign to the charm nowadays cleared by Prince William. Simple commoner, Kate managed to be accepted by the royal family, not without the efforts of the prince. Determined not to make the mistake of his parents, marry someone he does not like, William "fought" for the blessing of Queen Elizabeth II . But their wedding on April 29, 2011 and the births of George, Charlotte and Louis are all proof that the love between William and Kate is sincere and that nothing and no one will be right in their union. Model couple for years, however, they have competition these days: Prince Harry and Meghan represent for the British public a much more modern royal couple!

But as a good brother that he is, William did not never tried to compete with Harry. Bound forever by their destiny, the two boys have grown through the other and have become men who must be inspired. In addition to his official and diplomatic travels, Prince William is actively involved in various causes : disadvantaged British youth, sustainable development, care of the military and their families, and so on. Present on different plans, Prince William did not sacrifice his family duties. Yes, he always finds time to enjoy his wife and children. Proof if any were needed that Prince William is a decidedly modern man.

But to show you how much Prince William is a great personality, I must mention that by earning a master's degree in geography, he became the heir to the highest throne of the British monarchy. And finally, in 2016, he became the first member of the royal family to pose for an LGBT magazine Attitude. In the issue in question, he spoke about his future actions in the fight against AIDS. When I told you that Prince William was a perfect heir. In the rest of the Windsor news, here are all the rules Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will have to follow in case of a royal pregnancy!

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