Why fans of Avengers want to see him (and will be a little disappointed)


CINEMA – No rest for the brave! Just four months after the "Avengers: Infinty War" earthquake, Marvel Studios' new production, starring Paul Rudd and Evangeline Lilly, hit the screens on Wednesday, July 18th. "Ant-Man and Wasp", the second installment of the adventures of the super-hero of varying size, marks the beginnings of his ally Wasp on the big screen and makes it the first film of the studios to put forward a super-heroine of the kind in this 10-year-old cinematographic universe.

And the franchise does not seem to run out of steam. Driven by the success of the latest Avengers, "Ant-Man and the Wasp" propelled itself to the top of the US box office as soon as it was released on July 6 in the United States, raising $ 76 million for its first weekend of the year. 'exploitation, almost 20 million more than the first album in 2015.

Marvel studios know how to handle the art of suspense to perfection to keep viewers in suspense and bring them back to the movies with each new film. The third installment of the Avengers has left many questions unanswered, including the fate of many main characters. The next films of the franchise are eagerly awaited by fans, always on the lookout for clues about the sequel to the Avengers, which will not see the light until May 2019.

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Spoiler: no spoiler?

This is not the continuation of "Infinity War". If many hoped that "Ant-Man and the Wasp" answers at least some questions asked by the last part of the "Avengers", it is missed.

The film is located chronologically after "Captain America: Civil War". Following the fratricidal war between Steve Rogers and Tony Stark, Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) is under house arrest and must learn to manage his new life as a controversial superhero and his father responsibilities. But to help Hope van Dyne (Evangeline Lilly) and Dr. Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) who is trying to find Janet Van Dyne (Michelle Pfeiffer), the man-ant will have to retrain the suit.

Producer Stephen Broussard explains: "Scott's participation in 'Captain America: Civil War' has proved to be a great starting point for the second chapter of the franchise, as it is the 'Civil War' events that explain Scott's situation. when we find it and have laid the foundation of the story we tell in 'Ant-Man and Wasp'. "

After 1:58 of film, still no revelation in sight on the role of Ant-Man and his ally the Wasp in the wake of the war against the terrible Thanos. We have to wait for the end, and the post-generic scene, to get tiny clues about the future of the character.

And far from rebaduring us about what to do next to answer the questions of the fans, the studios add a layer with the disappearance of Wasp and his parents, Dr. Hank Pym and Janet. Scott is trapped in the quantum world. It will be (still) patient to discover how the superhero will get out of trouble.

Simple and effective

In line with the previous opus, the film remains a simple but effective entertainment . Gentiles, villains with humor and action, the recipe of the blockbuster superhero who does his job. But the lack of ambition and the predictable scenario leave a little taste of "not enough", especially after the delusional "Thor: Ragnarok".

The originality of the film lies in the special effects it offers to the spectators, with the discovery of the world of the infinitely small and the games of perspectives with a superhero pbading from the size of an ant to the size of a giant. But the ability to shrink or grow is no longer limited to the characters. In this new installment, cars can now shrink, just like buildings.

"Marvel films are meant to transport viewers to new worlds, and that's what they all do," Guardians from the Galaxy 'to' Captain America ',' Ant-Man ', which plunges us into the infinitely small and the quantum world, is reminiscent of the dimensions explored in' Doctor Strange ', and I think the audience appreciate the uniqueness and unexpectedness of the worlds we present to them, "says producer Kevin Feige in a statement.

Entertaining and funny, the second part of the adventures of" Ant-Man "should still offer a refreshing break to fans of Marvel after an episode of the Avengers rich in emotions.

"Ant-Man and the Wasp" is released in French theaters this Wednesday, July 18.

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• Evangeline Lilly celebrated the victory of the Blues as a French

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