Willian before Brazil – Belgium: "Hazard is the central piece"


Worldwide 2018

Brazil prepares for its World Cup quarter-final against Belgium on Friday in Kazan (8 pm).

After his success against Mexico on Monday in Moscow, the Brazilians returned to their base camp in Sochi to badyze the game of the Red Devils.

"It will be a complicated match, like all matches in the World Cup" , conceded Willian, Brazil winger in press conference Wednesday. "They have studied our game, we are studying theirs, it will not be an easy match, there are a lot of players in the Premier League, which I know very well," added Thibaut's teammate Chelsea. Courtois, Eden Hazard and Michy Batshuayi. "Hazard is the centerpiece, he's one of the best players in the world, I have good contact with him, we've been playing together for five years, and this is the first time I'm going to play against him. He is very humble, Courtois is a very good goalkeeper, he does not really have weak points, he is great, he will really have to do something special to score, we know his qualities, but we will do everything to score. The goal also is not to cash in and be mentally strong, we have respect for Belgium, but we are going to play our game. "

Brazil dismissed Mexico (2-0) by dominating their subject with especially a goal of Neymar. Willian considers that the team "grows" over the tournament and "plays better and better, like Neymar". Only hitch for Tite, the Brazilian coach, the absence of his defensive midfielder, Casemiro, suspended after two yellow cards.

"He plays very well since the beginning of the World Cup", badyzed Willian. "Casemiro is important to us and it will be difficult to play without him, but we have other qualities in the group to make up for that, everyone in our team is able to score, not just Neymar or Coutinho. play for everyone, we know what we have to do to try to stop the Belgians and attack them on their weak points. "

Compared to the composition aligned by Tito against Mexico, Marcelo could make his return . He was injured in the back (lumbago) at the very beginning of the game against Serbia in the third and final group match, missing the round of 16 against Mexico. The 30-year-old Real Madrid defender returned to training the day before, as did Douglas Costa, who was suffering from muscle problems.

On Wednesday, Paulinho did not train with a ball with the Brazilian group while Thiago Silva, captain auriverde, contented himself with a slight session on the side.

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