With 1,200 migrants arriving in two days, Spain calls for "a European solution"


The Spanish Coast Guard rescued more than 1,200 migrants at sea in two days. Spanish Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska calls for a "European solution"

Saturday evening, the media Spanish broadcast images of groups of migrants landing directly on tourist beaches (see photo), in recent days, under the gaze of vacationers who took the sun.

"We came to see on the ground the problems that exist, the problem of immigration which is a problem of Europe which requires a European solution ", said the Minister of the Interior Fernando Grande-Marlaska, visiting in the province of Cadiz (south). The minister was traveling there to see how the police and the Red Cross are welcoming the migrants.

In total, 334 people were rescued aboard 17 makeshift boats on Saturday announced the public rescue service. The day before, the Coast Guard also rescued 888 people on a single day.

"It was to be expected", said the new minister, reproaching the previous government of the conservative Mariano Rajoy "a lack of forecasts", the arrivals by the sea having jumped as soon as last year.

"We are opening a center" in the bay of Algeciras (Andalusia), which will have a capacity of 600 people, added Fernando Grande-Marlaska, evoking a Work "against the clock". He evoked "an exceptional situation" but "absolutely under control."

More than 20,992 migrants arrived in Spain by sea from the beginning of the year


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