With Ghostbusters World, go Pokemon Go Ghost Hunt


The Ghostbusters franchise is inspired by Pokémon Go with a new augmented reality game where monsters and pokéballs will be replaced by ghosts and a proton pack.

At the San Diego Comic-Con, Sony Pictures and the Korean developers 4:33 and Next Age have unveiled Ghostbusters World, a mobile game that immerses us in the universe of the SOS Ghosts saga … and is very strongly reminiscent of Pokémon Go, developed by Niantic. Licensed Augmented Reality games actually have the edge right now, since in addition to Jurbadic World Alive and The Walking Dead: Our World (both available for free on the App Store), a game based on the Harry Potter's universe (Harry Potter: Wizards Unite) is expected to arrive by the end of the year.

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With Ghostbusters World, Go Pokemon Go Ghost Hunting – © All Rights Reserved

But apart from a few visual details specific to each license, differences in gameplay are rather rare. And according to the first feedback from The Verge website, Ghostbusters World will not escape the rule. The game will be based on the Google Maps platform (with, as a bonus, a 3D modeling of buildings) and propose 4 proton pack, each with a different power, like the PokéBalls available in Pokémon Go. PokéStops, these virtual shops to buy gadgets to facilitate hunting, will be replaced by "interdimensional portals." And you can also "hatch" ghosts, which is a little contradictory with the role of Ghostbusters. But be it.

There will still be some differences with the Niantic game. Notably a PvP (player vs. player) mode, as well as a story mode, scripted by the authors of Ghostbusters Comics published in the United States. The game will be available before the end of the year and should offer 150 ghosts to capture.

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