Yaël Mellul, Bertrand Cantat and "forced suicide"


Marie Claire: After obtaining the recognition of the psychological violence within the couple, you looked at the notion of "forced suicide", at the very moment of the suicide of Kristina Rady, the companion of Bertrand Cantat …

Yaël Mellul: In 2007, I started to fight for the creation of a specific crime of conjugal violence of a psychological nature. The notion of forced suicide was the logical consequence. Shortly after the July 2010 law on psychological violence in the couple was promulgated, the message that Kristina Rady leaves to her parents, six months before hanging, is made public. I listened to her very carefully and realized that this woman, according to her own words, had been the victim of psychological and physical violence on the part of Bertrand Cantat. His suicide must have been linked to the violence suffered. As a result, Cantat was to be held responsible for his death. She hanged herself because she was the victim of domestic violence.

You filed a lawsuit against Cantat in 2014, and then last May …

He was heard today by the criminal squad of Bordeaux. And today, the Prosecutor of Bordeaux has dismissed my complaint against him on May 23rd. It took the prosecution of Bordeaux, two hearings – a member of Black Desire and his wife – and just over a month to consider that the investigation was over and did not establish that the suicide of Kristina Rady was a direct consequence of the physical and psychological abuse she suffered. I immediately appeal to the Public Prosecutor of Bordeaux against this decision. There is clearly a blockage, let's not be afraid to say it. And I have no idea of ​​the origin of this blockage.

A fairly common blockage that you impute your book Untouchable? People, justice and impunity ( Ed.Balland ), to a certain indulgence granted to artists in France …

Yes, we are getting closer to impunity. Kristina Rady has yet explicitly described the violence suffered by Cantat. The new documents I have filed show that Cantat was violent towards him, that the members of Noir Désir were aware of them, and that they knowingly lied. It is true that I asked the prosecutor to look into a new concept, "forced suicide". I understand that she did not want to make jurisprudence. But the evidence provided allowed him to pbad the course.

The fact that Kristina Rady's parents do not file a complaint against Cantat does not help you either …

Nobody in Kristina Rady's circle believed good to be a civil party, it is indeed a big handicap. Otherwise, an instruction would have automatically been opened in criminal matters. Kristina Rady's parents have disbadociated themselves, those who have access to the file know what underlies their decision, they want to protect their grandchildren. They are caught in a vise

The government has just recognized the notion of "forced suicide" …

When I contacted Marlène Schiappa to talk to her about this notion of "forced suicide", I I stressed that we had disagreements in the past but that it was important to go beyond them for a common cause. She received me right away. She agreed with me. It's a beautiful demonstration of sorority. Laurence Rossignol immediately agreed to table an amendment that pbaded yesterday in the Senate almost unanimously. Marlène Schiappa intervened to confirm the commitment of the government, and specify that in its law on badual violence, was now written the need to measure the extent of what we think is a scourge. A survey will be conducted in several departments to quantify this phenomenon of suicide of women victims of violence.

This means that relatives of a victim may request that an investigation for "forced suicide" be launched?

Yes, the goal is to raise awareness around the victim. If his relatives have doubts, they can file a complaint to determine the exact causes of his death and tend to challenge the perpetrator of the violence.

This fight that brings you, it always exposes you to insults and threats?

No. This has nothing to do with what I suffered in 2014 when I filed a lawsuit against Cantat. I can see that we are going through a historic moment for the rights of women, the authorities, the French are now very sensitive to the issue, and the media have significantly changed their treatment of domestic violence.

Yesterday, I went out of the Senate to smoke a cigarette, I was alone, and I thought of you. I remembered that Marie Claire elected me woman of the year in 2010. It was the beginning of my fight. I thought about it with a lot of emotion. Today we are there, it's been ten years since I expect that.

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