Yann Moix confides after his "burn-out": "My body let go"


After three years of loyal service, the writer joins C8 for a new adventure in television.

                     Migrants have upset my life. I did a burnout. My body dropped me and my girlfriend left me
                    ", Yann Moix book in an interview with the French daily Le Parisien. The former chronicler of "We're not lying" here refers to the documentary he made for Arte, which dealt with the situation of migrants in France:

                     I was upset and overwhelmed by what I saw. I could not not do it. Politicians pretend to control the situation of what will be the major subject of the twenty-first century. When Macron came to Calais, the city was cleaned up. Migrants do not vote so he does not care

The role of Christine Angot

And obviously, this militancy has upset Yann Moix. To get back on the slope, it seems that he could have consoled himself on the shoulder of his old relative, Christine Angot: "
                     If you have grief, she stops everything for you. She can spend 2:30 listening to you and talking with incredible intelligence. It happened to me and there was a before and after this conversation

Three "extraordinary" years

In this interview with the Parisian, the 50-year-old writer also talks about Ruquier after spending three years at the France 2 talk show table.
                    " in "
                     fascinating show because we have a fabulous freedom of tone
                    ". Next challenge for Yann Moix: C8 and the show of Thierry Ardisson, a man who has often given him a chance:

                     He invited me on his shows when I was little known. I will never forget him. Since then, he has been completely faithful. I admire his shows. (…) And, like Laurent Ruquier, he promised me a royal peace

New challenge away from the hatred of the Web

A new show in which Yann Moix is ​​likely to evolve under the spotlight and therefore criticism. Which does not seem to bother him: "
                     I conchie social networks where guys with two subscribers claim your death. There are so many people who pour out their hatred from the back of their room and say that they love you when you meet them on the street. None of this can reach me. But it can destroy others

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