Young man killed by a police officer in Nantes: what we know


A 22-year-old man died on Tuesday evening, July 3, after being shot by a police officer during a check in the Breil neighborhood in Nantes. His death caused violence in three neighborhoods of the city. What happened ? What do we know for the time being of the facts? Of the victim ? "The Obs" takes stock

What happened?

The facts took place around 8:30 pm during a "check by a crew of CRS following vehicle offenses" Jean-Christophe Bertrand, Departmental Director of Public Security (DDSP), told the press.

The police badures that the policeman fired in self-defense, a version denied by inhabitants Breil district who claim to have witnessed the scene.

Interviewed by "Ouest-France", Chris, who presents himself as a "big brother of the neighborhood" Breil, ensures that the young man was "pulled on it before striking the wall of a house "and would not have touched the policeman:

" The check had been going on for several minutes, at one point he backed off with his car but he did not touch the policeman It was not dangerous. "

There are two opposing versions of s facts, as summarized in this video of BFMTV reporting remarks last night by the director of public security (DDSP) Jean-Christophe Bertrand, and those of a witness of the facts:

(source "BFMTV" )

Jean-Christophe Bertrand, DDSP on "BFMTV":

"He is asked to park his vehicle, then to follow the CRS to be brought to the police station, and at that time where the driver goes backwards to evade control and hits a CRS official. And at that moment one of his colleagues, who is in control security, fires with his individual weapon. "

The witness of the facts on" BFMTV ":

" I turn I see the policeman without warning who is firing point blank at the young driver. He did not strike anyone. He only hit a car that is still there, you can see it. From there I saw the person lost consciousness, his head tapped on the steering wheel, she backed up and ended up in a garden. "

In the night, the departmental director of Public Safety had already delivered several elements to the press to support its version of the facts:

– The control was "carried out by a crew of CRS following offenses committed by a vehicle"

– The identity of the motorist not being "unclear, the CRS were instructed to return the driver" to the police station. "The driver, pretending to be out of his vehicle, struck a police officer" who was slightly wounded in the knees.

– " One of his colleagues fired and touched the young man who unfortunately died. "

According to several police sources contacted by AFP, the young person was hit by carotid artery and died on arrival at the hospital .

Present on p independent journalist Marion Lopez published on Twitter a photo of the wall struck by the young man's vehicle.

The wall hit by the 20-year-old at #Breil . Residents and journalists present are surprised that the IGPN is not on the scene. At 1:18, thirty people are on the scene of the tragedy. No trace of investigation. #Nantes

– Marion Lopez (@MarionLpz) July 3, 2018

She also collected the testimony of a witness baduring that the CRS was not injured:

"I arrived, he just tried to backtrack, […] they stamped him against the wall." The car blew himself up against the wall He was already motionless, he could not do anything else, the policeman arrived he fired at close range, he put a bullet on his neck directly, while he was already motionless. "

Who is the victim?

Interviewed by BFMTV, the prefect of Loire-Atlantique Nicole Klein said this morning that the authorities had" a long time "to establish the identity of the young man, who has was known, according to her, that at 5:30 this morning.

"It seems that it was someone known unfavorably, but we will rega to be closer, "said the prefect without further details.

A little later, it was the public prosecutor of Nantes, Pierre Sennès, who indicated that the young man was under the influence of an arrest warrant, issued in June 2017 by a magistrate of Créteil. He was wanted for robbery, concealment and criminal conspiracy.

"This young man, he had a smile all the time, that's what characterized him, he was not in trouble, it was a cream, we lost a friend. has lost a brother ", at the same time reported a resident of the neighborhood to" West-France. "

Chris, the one who calls himself a" big brother of the district ", also told the daily:" I He was from Paris, but he had been living here for a while, he has family, and for us he is a local boy. "

Where is the Inquiry?

It is obviously only at its beginnings and will have to determine, among other things, whether the officer used his weapon in self-defense or not.

"The SRPJ of Nantes and the General Inspectorate of the National Police are seized of the investigation to clarify the commission of the facts and determine under what circumstances the police officer has was made to use his weapon, "said the night the prosecutor of the Nantes Pierre Sennès.

What do we know about the violence that followed?

Still according to the DDSP Christophe Bertrand, the shooting of the policeman immediately unleashed urban violence in the Breil district with "catches, Molotov jets of badtails."

Cars were burned, and a center paramedic located in a shopping center, has also noted the AFP. This tragedy was also "the starting point of other urban violence in other sensitive areas of Nantes ", Malakoff and Dervallières, also said Jean-Christophe Bertrand. [19659015JournalistMarionLopezalsopostedapost-factovideoonTwitter

Barricades were set up. "It's crying everywhere," commented the inhabitants, who were taken to the streets, dazed.

– Marion Lopez (@MarionLpz) July 3, 2018

A resident of the Breil neighborhood, Steven, 24, told an AFP journalist to have "heard detonations":

"I took half an hour to go down, I saw that it was burning everywhere, it was running everywhere, there was fire in garbage cans, in cars. "

According to the young man, the calm returned shortly after midnight.

In the Dervallières, the annexed town hall and the house of justice and law located in the same building were affected. The firefighters were still intervening to extinguish the flames around 3 am

There was no arrest, according to a police source quoted by AFP.

This Wednesday morning, residents have discovered the remains of fires and a tag, painted on a wall of the Breil district according to, again, the journalist Marion Lopez on Twitter : "03/07 Breil.The badbadin State". [19659002] What reactions of the authorities?

Johanna Rolland, PS Mayor of Nantes arrived shortly before 2.30am at the Dervallières. "My first thoughts are with this young dead man, his family, all the inhabitants of this neighborhood, our neighborhoods," she said.

"The police and the judiciary in its independence will have to do the same. clarity and total transparency about what happened tonight "," but the urgency tonight is the call for calm in our neighborhoods, "she said.

Interior Minister Gerard Collomb "condemns with the utmost firmness the violence and the unacceptable degradation committed last night in several neighborhoods of Nantes, and joins the calls for calm formulated this morning by the elected officials and responsible "The Minister of the Interior wishes to recall that it is up to justice, and justice alone, to make all the light", he said in a statement issued Wednesday morning.

the circumstances which led to the death of a motorist following a check of The General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN) has been seized by the public prosecutor of Nantes ", can also read there.

"As a result of several violent attacks involving residents of the Breil district on June 28, the sector was the subject of a reinforced security system with the support of the CRS. are also produced in the neighborhoods of Malakoff and Dervallières, held to be areas of reconquest Republican next September as part of the daily's security police, "the statement said.

Finally, the Minister of Justice Nicole Belloubet also called for calm, baduring RTL that "the rule of law will be fully respected". She confirmed that the prosecutor's office and the Inspectorate General of the National Police had been seized, "so that all the light could be made in the utmost transparency" on the death of this young man.

C.R. (With AFP)

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