Ben Affleck to play Batman in Flash movie


Just because there’s a new Batman movie starring Robert Pattinson doesn’t mean Ben Affleck has taken the hood off for good. A new report says Affleck will return as Batman in the upcoming The Flash movie. Vanity Fair has heard that Affleck, who played Batman in Batman v Superman and Justice League, will be returning as Bruce Wayne for The Flash starring Ezra Miller and directed by director Andy Muschietti.

Affleck will be the second Batman to speak about his appearance in The Flash after announcing that Michael Keaton, who played Batman in the Tim Burton films, will also reprise his role for the film.

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The Flash will be a standalone film starring Ezra Miller’s version of the character, who first appeared in Justice League. After several directors and creative teams, Andy Muschietti, director of It and It Chapter Two, is directing production with a story based on the Flashpoint 2011 script from DC Comics.

In Flashpoint, Barry Allen uses his powers to try to prevent the murder of his mother. However, in doing so, he disrupts the timeline and creates an alternate future, which includes Thomas Wayne becoming Batman after the death of his son Bruce, while Martha becomes The Joker.The exact plot of The Flash is still unknown, and given that several Batmans from the past would return, there’s a chance the film will diverge from the comics.

A full reveal for The Flash and other DC films will premiere at DC Fandome this weekend. Check out IGN for full and exclusive coverage of Fandome this weekend.

Matt TM Kim is a reporter for the IGN.


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