Ben Shapiro: A conservative expert admits that he was "destroyed" in an interview that he shortened


Shapiro complained repeatedly throughout the interview, in the BBC's "Politics Live" program, while the long-time broadcaster and former editor of the newspaper had insisted on some of his previous comments.

"It's a huge waste of time, in that all the interview is designed to make you shout slogans or old things I said against me," he told Neil.

"I'm not inclined to continue interviewing someone as badly motivated as you," he said, abbreviating the interview, although he had previously told Neil that He had "contacted so many people across the street to talk with them".

The commentator took part in the talk to promote a new book, but the conversation was tense when Neil asked Shapiro about his support for a controversial new law on abortion in the US. State of Georgia.
Shapiro asked Neil – who was once a researcher for the British Conservative party and now chairs the group running the conservative magazine The Spectator – why he would not "say you're left."

"Mr. Shapiro, if you knew how ridiculous this statement is, you would not have said it," Neil replied.

Shapiro was furious when Neil asked if such legislation in Georgia would bring the United States back into "the dark ages". The law, which would generally prohibit abortions after the detection of a fetal heartbeat – sometimes even after six weeks of pregnancy – has prompted some companies to declare that they would boycott the state. It comes into force in January.

Shapiro then asked, "Are you an objective journalist or an opinion reporter?" "The (BBC) claims to be a low-key objective network, which is obviously not the case, it has never been."

Many people on social media mocked the commentator, who worked for Breitbart, hosts "The Ben Shapiro Show" and appeared on networks including CNN, for his answers to Neil's questions.

Responding to critics, he wrote on Twitter: "(Andrew Neil) destroys Ben Shapiro! So that's what I feel;) Breached my own rule and was not well prepared."

After recording the interview but before it was broadcast, Shapiro said that he had apologized to Neil. "As I am not familiar with him or his work, I misinterpreted his antagonism as political leftism … it was apparently inaccurate.For this, I apologize," he said.

Neil pointed out that Shapiro's website, The Daily Wire, had praised him for an interview he had previously conducted on Venezuela.

To a commentator who suggested that he was "rude" to Shapiro, Neil replied, "I tend to take a position opposite to the one I'm interviewing." It's a way to test their positions, that does not mean anything to you from my point of view, do the investigators do? "


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