Best September 11 Documentaries on Netflix, HBO, Amazon Prime


For some people, anything to do with 9/11 requires a trigger warning, while others find it helpful to examine what happened on one of the most important days in history. American. On the eve of the 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, several filmmakers have released new films or docuseries, some offering new interpretations and perspectives on the day itself, such as September 11: minute by minute, an in-depth look at everything we know happened that day in excruciating detail. Others look at the stories that came to light afterwards, such as Generation 9/11, a PBS film that features seven young people, all born after the attacks, whose fathers were all killed that day. And, while the events of September 11 have also been recreated by Hollywood, the new Netflix film, Value, which is based on a true story, is a dramatization of real-life events that occurred when lawyer Kenneth Feinberg sought compensation for the families of the victims of the bombings.

Whether you want to understand the details of the tragedy or feel some optimism from those who have endured the grief and created something positive out of their loss, there are plenty of new things to watch this weekend.


September 11 retrospective
Getty Images

The events of the morning of September 11 happened quickly, yet so much has happened in multiple timelines. The four aircraft attacks that were carried out and the events that followed throughout the day are documented literally minute by minute using archival footage, news, official FAA recordings and from the military, and first-hand testimonials in this gripping documentary.

To concern September 11: minute by minute on iTunes


No answering machine left behind

After the attacks of September 11, The daily show‘s Jon Stewart became an advocate for first responders who risked their lives and endangered their health without knowing it and who would eventually fall ill after being exposed to toxins at the Ground Zero site. Stewart, along with activist John Feal, traveled to Washington to fight Congress for compensation for these workers, and that’s the story that has unfolded over five long years.

Where to look No answering machine left behind


9_11 One day in America
Nat Geo

Nat Geo’s Day in america It might be one of the most triggering and touching documentaries on our already triggering and emotional list, but like any document featuring footage from the day, it proves just how brave our first responders were. The film is chock-full of imagery as New York firefighters entering the towers after receiving news of jet fuel explosions coming from inside buildings and, knowing what we know of the day’s timeline, it’s incredibly moving and overwhelming to watch images of these men and women as they entered buildings where their death was certain. Told from the testimonies of those who were at the scene or directly affected by the tragedies of New York, DC and Pennsylvania, this is a heartbreaking watch that still manages to offer bursts of hope.

Where to look 9/11: One day in America


TurningPoint_9_11 and the WaronTerror_Season1_Episode1_00_37_00_12-resize
Photo: Courtesy of NETFLIX

The new 5-part docuseries from Netflix, Turning, examines before, during and after September 11. In an attempt to understand the attacks, the show examines the events leading up to the fateful day beginning in 1979 with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, as well as the global response to the same-day attacks and the aftermath, including programming. surveillance that the US government employed in response.

To concern A turning point: September 11 and the war on terrorism on Netflix


Osama bin Laden in THE LOOMING TOWER on Hulu
Photo: Hulu

This documentary produced by the History Channel looks at the ten years of research into the brain behind the 9/11 attacks, Osama Bin Laden. With the cooperation of the 9/11 Memorial & Museum, the film traces the search for the leader of Al Qaeda and the Seal Team Six raid on his compound. Think of it like Dark zero thirty, but with the real people involved.

Where to look Revealed: The Hunt for Bin Laden


Memory box

After 9/11, filmmakers David Belton and Bjørn Johnson set up a production booth where people with first-hand stories to tell about where they were and what happened next on 9/11 could share their memories. September 11th affected millions of people, and this is just a small sample of how the day affected “ordinary” people. Their stories are moving and touching, against a backdrop inside this “memory box” where they were filmed in solitude, remembering what they felt that day and after.

Where to look Memory box: Echoes of September 11


Getty Images

Directed by Spike Lee, this new four-part HBO Max docusery examines how New York City played a role in everything from September 11 to the COVID-19 crisis and the January 6 insurgency. The fourth installation in the series, which releases September 11, 2021, was recently reissued by Lee after receiving criticism for including the opinions of 9/11 conspiracy theorists.

To concern NYC EPICENTERS 09/11/2021½ on HBO Max


WORTH (2021) Stanley Tucci as Charles Wolf.  Cr: NETFLIX

Value officially debuted at Sundance in 2020, but is finally being released widely by Netflix to coincide with the 20th anniversary of 9/11. The film, based on a true story, is a drama about lawyer Kenneth Feinberg, who oversaw the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund; he is played by Michael Keaton, the film also stars Stanley Tucci, Laura Benanti and Amy Ryan.

To concern Value on Netflix


Inside the President's War Room
Apple TV +

President Bush’s response to 9/11 was widely criticized at the time (cut to him hearing about the attacks, but notoriously insisting on reading to a class of children instead of immediately mobilizing). AppleTV + and the BBC co-produced Inside the President’s War Room, told by Jeff Daniels, who tells the story of what happened in the 12 hours following the attacks as Bush, Dick Cheney and their advisers panicked and rushed to make decisions that would affect their own lives and that of millions of people. The film also features never-before-seen interviews with the president and his cabinet as they reflect on the day.

Where to look September 11: inside the president’s war room


‘Generation 9/11’

Generation 9_11

Thousands of families lost loved ones on 9/11 and new PBS documentary Generation 9/11 follows seven young people who all lost their father in the September 11 attacks. These were children who never even knew their father, because they were all born after the attacks. Today, 20 years later, they are young adults whose identities have been forged by their losses, but also by the changing political and social landscapes of the country.

Where to look Generation 9/11


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