Beto 2020: Make America evil again


At the Democratic presidential primary debate on Thursday, Beto O'Rourke offered a new narrative for America.

Make America understand that it's evil, again.

I say that in all seriousness. O'Rourke's vision of America's founding and ensuing identity can only be viewed as a vision of an evil nation. Do not take my word for it, take Beto's.

"Racism in America is endemic, it is foundational," Beto explained. "We can mark the creation of this country at the Fourth of July, 1776, but August 20, 1619, when the first kidnapped and the success, and the wealth, that neither he nor his descendants would ever be able to participate in or enjoy. "

This is true self-hatred. Here we see Beto's American version of the Shiite Muslim ceremony of Ashura: self-flagellating, just without the sense of proud honor.

Beto wants you to know our nation, our history, and our culture is a foundation of evil. You did not build it, did not your ancestors. You're evil, so were your ancestors, and so will your children be.

Obviously, I reject Beto's argument.

Yes, America allowed slavery for too long. And yes, the Founding Fathers were direct parts to that atrocity. But to suggest their narrative is defined by slavery is an affront to obvious reality. It is an affront to citizens who rose up against authoritarianism and fought for the right to find It is an affront to the more than 350,000 Americans who died 154 years ago, in noninsignificant part, to end slavery. It is an affront to a nation that has done more for humanity than any other country in the history of humanity.

Beto's narrative, in short, is absurd. Still, it will earn Beto Democratic Left.


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