Beto O 'Rourke confronted the mayor on miserly charitable donations


The 2020 presidential candidate, Beto O'Rourke, was confronted Tuesday by a voter in a city council about his charitable donations, after recently released tax returns showed that he and his wife had given a tiny fraction of their income.

The documents show that the couple donated $ 1,166 to a charity in 2017, while its combined income amounted to $ 370,412, which equates to about one-third of its income. According to James Hohmann of the Washington Post, this makes O'Rourke the last of the 2020 candidates running for the Democratic primaries.

According to the Post's correspondent, Jenna Johnson, a student at the University of Virginia's Town Hall asked the former Texas representative why her sister, a recent college graduate, had made more donations. to charities while earning much less than his wife and him.

O'Rourke responded that he was doing his best to give back to the communities, but noted that some of the ways he is giving back are "immeasurable".

"I have been in post since 2005. I do my best to contribute to the success of my community, my state and now my country. There are ways for me to do this that are measurable and there are ways to do this that are immeasurable. We give to charities that we have registered and listed, others we donated to donations that we did not do.


He went on to suggest that his presence at this city hall, being far from his family, was in itself an act of charity.

"I'm doing everything I can right now, spending time with you – not with our children, not at home in El Paso – because I want to sacrifice everything so that we can live this moment of truth with everything. that we have, "said O & Rourke to the student.


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