Beto O 'Rourke sells t-shirts This is F – ked Up & # 39; to raise funds for gun control


Beto's campaign O 'Rourke started selling a t-shirt that uses his weekend statement "This is F-ked Up" several times, announcing that the product will go to Moms Demand Action and March for Our Lives, two organizations lobbying for gun control.

Team Beto's story also revealed on Twitter: "If you're more upset about a curse than a baby being shot in the mouth, think about your choices."

In March, O 'Rourke promised to stop swearing after being reprimanded by a Wisconsin voter, stating, "Excellent point." And I do not intend to use the Word F in the future. "Point taken and very firmly worded … We're going to keep it clean." But he broke his commitment the following month and seems to have ignored it ever since.

This sentence is a reference to what O 'Rourke said just hours after an armed man in West Texas fired at people while he was traveling on the island. 39, Interstate 20. "I do not know how many men are armed, I do not know how many people were shot," said O & # Rourke. said to a crowd of supporters in Virginia after hearing about the incident in Texas. "I do not know how many people were killed, the condition of those who survived, I do not know what the motivation is, I do not know the guns that were used, or how they were acquired. But we know it's screwed up, "said O & Rourke.

Moments later, O & # 39; Rourke's Twitter account published a similar quote: "We do not know how many people were killed, we do not know the motivation, but here's what we know: It's screwed in the air. "

O 'Rourke's comments occurred while the police were still investigating an active shooting situation. Seth Ator, 36, was not identified until Sunday, two days after the police killed him in front of a movie theater in Odessa, Texas.

While police tried to control the shooting in Odessa, O'Rourke took advantage of the shooting to demand more gun control. He criticized Congress for what he saw as an inaction on gun law, saying lawmakers "will not even pass universal background checks or close loopholes that allow people to buy a gun while they should not be able to do it. "

O 'Rourke said last week that he would "absolutely" force citizens to hand over their rifles to the government as part of a buyback program when he was elected President.

"That's perfect" was widely quoted and shared after O 'Rourke's comments on Friday, and the candidate again canceled the news live on CNN.


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