Beyoncé abandoned carbohydrates, sugar and dairy products before Coachella's performance


Beyoncé has pushed her limits for her Coachella 2018 performance.

Speaking frankly in her new documentary Netflix, "Homecoming," the 37-year-old singer recounted how she pushed herself to the extreme before making headlines at the music festival.

"In order to reach my goals, I limit myself to not eating bread, no carbs, no sugar, no dairy products, no meat, no fish, no alcohol …" I'm hungry, "she said, according to a daily newspaper Recapitulation of the mail.

The documentary follows a period of eight months during which the star prepares to enter the scene. Beyoncé and her husband Jay-Z welcomed the twins Rumi and Sir Carter the year before. With three children and a husband, she admitted that her bandwidth had changed.

"It's not like before I can repeat 15 hours in a row," she said. "I have children. I have a husband. I have to take care of my body. "

"I really went further than I knew and learned a very useful lesson," she said. "I will never, never push that far. I feel like a new woman in a new chapter of my life and I'm not even trying to be what I was. It's so beautiful that children do it to you.


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