Beyond meat, more profitable than Tyson


The vegan company Beyond Meat exceeds the Tyson meat company in terms of gross profit margin, a measure of profitability calculated by subtracting the cost of goods sold. Financial Consultant David Trainer, CEO of the independent research firm New Constructs, LLC, wrote a report for Forbes highlighting the financial viability of Beyond Meat before the company was released this week on the NASDAQ under the symbol "BYND". "The good news for BYND is that even though the company is still relatively small, it is already showing signs of achieving economies of scale. Gross margins became positive for the first time in 2018, "wrote the trainer. "Even more impressive, its gross margins have already exceeded those of Tyson Foods, the largest meat producer in the United States, at 20%. for a participation of 6.5 percent. Last month, Tyson sold its shares – valued at $ 79 million, based on Beyond Meat's initial valuation of $ 1.2 billion before its IPO – in order to further develop its own substitutes. herbal meat. The trainer predicted that if Beyond Meat continued its upward trajectory, it would outpace the competition. "BYND's high and rising gross margins suggest that it could become an even more profitable business than existing meat producers if and when consumers accept its meat substitute en masse."

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