Biden 2021 inauguration: what Jennifer Lopez said in Spanish


At Wednesday’s opening, where insurgents rushed to police on Capitol Hill and stormed into representative government headquarters two weeks ago, superstar Jennifer Lopez at one point in her musical performance raised his finger and proclaimed: “A nation, under God, indivisible, with freedom and justice for all!”

It was the last sentence of the oath of allegiance, ladies and gentlemen: “A nation, under God, indivisible, with freedom and justice for all”. (In the distance from the shot behind Lopez, a masked opening guest can be seen leaning over the person next to her with a questioning expression.)

Viewers on social media reserved some of their reactions at the time. Some have said they imagine Trump supporters spontaneously flaring up with anger over the use of anything other than American English.

“Whooooo some people about to get pissed off about J Lo dropping that Spanish in there,” journalist and podcast host Jemele Hill tweeted, with emojis crying and laughing. “And by folks, you all know who I mean.”

But it was a familiar kind of indulgence for Lopez, who co-titled last year’s Super Bowl halftime show with Shakira, in which she draped herself in the Puerto Rican flag and sang on stage with his daughter Emme.

Lopez opened his performance at the inauguration with a part of “This Land Is Your Land,” the 1940 folk song by Woodie Guthrie, who was – by the way – an active socialist and working ally.

She followed the patriotic blossoming with another very J. Lo twist, a sweeping delivery of her 1999 hit, “Let’s Get Loud.” And the irony of Lopez taking his anthem from the stadium to a relatively small and socially distant ceremony a year after the start of the pandemic has not been lost on Twitter.

“Trump is sworn in.” How bad could that be? Writer and illustrator John Paul Brammer tweeted. “Smash cut to JLo doing Let’s Get Loud amid the ashes of an attempted insurgency in DC. Hundreds of thousands have died. Bernie [Sanders] wears his little mittens.

“I need to know if the Biden team was aware that JLo would be working in ‘Let’s get strong’ …”, tweeted writer Yashar Ali.

See more reactions to Lopez’s inaugural medley below.

Times editor Christi Carras contributed to this report.


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