Biden administration “seeks” potential federal vaccination mandate


In an appearance on Fox News on Friday, CDC director Rochelle Walensky said the Biden administration was considering a federal vaccine mandate, as vaccination rates peak and skepticism persists in parts of the country.

When host Bret Baier asked if Walensky supports the vaccination requirement at the federal level, she replied, “This is something I think the administration is looking into. This is something that I think we are looking to get vaccine approval for. “

“Overall, I think in general I’m all for more vaccination. But I have nothing more to say about it except that we are looking at these policies, ”she said.

So far, only private companies, mostly recently Walmart and Disney, as well as local and state municipalities, have imposed vaccine requirements on their employees and some customers, Walensky noted.

When Baier raised hesitant vaccine objections and their claims of bodily autonomy and personal choice in a private medical decision, Walensky seemed to sympathize with their concerns. “I fully understand the hindsight,” she said. However, she said the COVID vaccine is not the first vaccine to be treated as a condition of travel, employment, public education or entry into other settings.

While stressing that it is the CDC’s responsibility to persuade the unconvinced, Walensky hinted in her statement that state coercion is not excluded.

“Some people didn’t have access to it. Some people did not have time off. Some people don’t understand its benefits. Some people worry about side effects, ”she said, adding that the CDC is working to provide more information to those who have abstained from the vaccine.

The CDC director said the agency had investigated reports of complications from the COVID vaccine submitted to the VAERS database, adding that the data showed “very rare signals” pointing to these adverse events.

“What I would say is that we have vaccinated 164 million Americans. So we have an extraordinary amount of data since December when we started to vaccinate people, ”she said. “So I have tremendous confidence in the safety of these vaccines.”

Walensky’s comments come after she recently suggested on CNN that the federal government was not adamantly opposed to implementing a European-style health card system that provides special access to certain activities and venues. to verified vaccinated persons.

“I think some communities are doing it, and that could very well be a way forward,” she suggested.

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