Biden administration sends FEMA to border amid influx of migrant children


The Biden administration is sending the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to the southern United States border to care for unaccompanied migrant children amid a recent influx.

The Department of Homeland Security said in a press release On Saturday, FEMA will support a 90-day effort to receive, shelter and transfer unaccompanied minors crossing the border.

“I am grateful for the exceptional talent and responsiveness of the FEMA team,” DHS Secretary Alejandro mayorkasAlejandro MayorkasDHS grants temporary legal status to Burmese citizens in US Mayorkas torpedo Biden administration’s stance on asylum seekers Biden overturns Trump ‘public charge’ rule READ MORE said in a statement. “Our goal is to ensure that unaccompanied children are transferred to HHS as quickly as possible, in accordance with legal requirements and in the best interests of the children.”

The effort comes as Biden treats a record number of unaccompanied minors crossing the southern border.

CBS News reported Tuesday that more than 3,200 children are stuck in adult migrant border patrol cells, and nearly half have exceeded CBP’s three-day deadline to be transferred to an appropriate shelter.

The administration has said it wants to remove unaccompanied minors from U.S. Customs and Border Protection and turn them over to the Department of Health and Human Services and turn them over to a family member or a family member. godfather until their case is tried.

Mayorkas continued, however, to state that those entering the United States through “irregular channels” will be apprehended and removed.

“It’s never safe to come to the United States by irregular routes, and this is especially true during a pandemic,” Mayorkas said. “To effectively protect the health and safety of migrants and our communities from the spread of COVID-19, those apprehended at the border continue to be denied entry and are returned.”

The White House has been criticized for its handling of the influx of migrants. While President BidenJoe BidenPentagon Takes Heat To Extend Guard’s Time At Capitol Booker To Try To Make Child Tax Credit Expansion Permanent Sullivan Says Tariffs Will Not Be Central Talks With China READ MORE moved away from the harsh practices adopted under the old President TrumpDonald TrumpPentagon Takes Heat For Extending Guard’s Time At Capitol Fundraising Spits Points At Trump-GOP Cracks Trump Rally Organizer Says Alex Jones Threatened To Take Her Off The Stage: Report READ MORE, the influx of migrants, especially unaccompanied minors, has made it difficult for the administration to process detainees and move them to a safer and more hygienic location. The process has been further complicated by the pandemic, with social distancing restrictions in place.

A recent CNN briefing described the detention centers, overseen by CBP, as “akin to prison cells and not intended for children.”

“We don’t want them to be in CBP facilities,” White House spokesman Jen psakiJen PsakiWhite House faces challenge of overcoming GOP vaccine reluctance Bill would prevent Biden from removing Cuba from terrorist sponsor state list The Hill’s 12:30 Report – Brought to you by the Johns Hopkins University – Biden sets optimistic tone for summer MORE said Tuesday.

“We want them to be accommodated as quickly as possible and ultimately in families and homes where their requests can be processed. But we are looking to speed up the way we control families and also sponsor homes. “


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