Biden advance over Trump in Arizona drops below 15,000 votes, but return unlikely: report


President-elect Joe Biden’s lead over President Trump in Arizona fell below 15,000 votes on Monday, but the president is unlikely to stage a successful return to the key state of the battlefield.

As of Monday night, Biden was 14,746 votes ahead of Trump after the president secured a slightly higher percentage of votes in the latest Maricopa County results, the Republic of Arizona reported.

However, the president received just over 49% of those votes. He would need to get more than 60% of the outstanding ballots statewide to catch up with Biden.

According to Republic estimates, approximately 63,000 votes were missed in Arizona this week. The majority of votes not counted come from provisional ballots, which are used when a voter is unable to verify their identity at a polling station. To date, only 54% of the provisional ballots cast in Maricopa County have been deemed valid and added to a candidate’s total.

The Fox News ruling office projected a victory for Biden in Arizona on Nov. 3, giving the former vice president 11 electoral votes and overthrowing a state Trump carried in 2016.

The Trump campaign rejected the call. Officials argued that the state was called in Biden prematurely because too many votes had yet to be counted.


Biden became president-elect last Saturday after projected victories in Pennsylvania and Nevada.

On Monday, Biden received a record 75.67 million votes nationwide, while Trump received 71.01 million votes. A margin of less than 276,000 votes separates the two candidates in the six key states that have ruled the presidency – Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Nevada.


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