Biden calls Trump "existential threat" in a duel against Iowa


What could be a glimpse of the White House's election campaign for the upcoming general election next year, President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden will face Tuesday while They are each traveling to Iowa, the state that has launched the presidential caucus primary calendar.

And Biden, the undisputed leader currently in the Democratic presidential race, is taking the opportunity to whistle the Republican president for threatening tariffs on his global trading partners. Noting the impact it has had on US producers and producers, Biden plans to call Trump an "existential threat" to the country.


"You know, Donald Trump and I are both in Iowa today. It was not planned that way, but I hope Trump's presence here will be a clarification event, "Biden said in an evening speech in Davenport, according to the prepared remarks.

The former vice president's remarks, released Tuesday morning by his election campaign, contain more than 40 Trump's name endorsements, including some of Biden's most virulent attacks on the president.

"US farmers have been crushed by its tariff war with China. Nobody knows it better than Iowa, "says Biden. "He thinks he's tough. Well, it is easy to be difficult when someone else feels pain. "

And Biden will ask "how many farmers in this state and across the country have had to face the prospect of losing their business, their farm because of Trump's tariffs?"

Mr. Biden, worried about the anxiety felt by the farmers, will ask, "How much did they have to look at the ceiling at night to ask themselves how they are going to get out?" How many sleepless nights do you think Trump had what he did to American farmers? "

Answering his own question, the former vice-president intends to say "as much as he did when he raided construction workers, electricians and plumbers who built his hotels and casinos. Zero. "And wondering why the president" has just met his tariff threat with Mexico because he has gotten a new tough deal, "he will say," maybe there is a secret development to reveal – but on the basis of what we know, it seems more like old wine in new bottles. "

Biden will also argue that "the truth is that he's scared – his economic leaders told him that his tough speeches were going to cost him dearly in Michigan, Ohio, and Iowa."

The president on Friday dropped the latest tariff threat by announcing that the United States and Mexico had reached an agreement to stem the flow of migrants.

Amidst the critics of the Democrats, the President tweeted on Monday that a "very important" part of the deal with Mexico would be "revealed in a not too distant future".

In an interview with CNBC, he said, "If we did not have tariffs, we would not have an agreement with Mexico."

"It's something that the United States has been trying to get for over 20 years with Mexico. As soon as I put the tariffs on the table, it was done – it took two days, "he said.


The President will travel Tuesday to West Iowa to visit a renewable energy facility at Council Bluffs before taking on the spotlight of a GOP fundraising event organized by the State in West Des Moines.

Biden will campaign in the eastern part of the crucial caucus, with stops at Ottumwa and Mt. Nice before delivering his speech in Davenport. He should also pound the president against climate change and health care.

"I believe Trump is an existential threat to America," Biden will say.

The former vice president's tour – his second in Iowa since the launch of his 2020 presidential campaign in late April – comes two days after he skipped the first major call for livestock in Iowa.

Biden was targeted for missing the Iowa Democracy Party Hall of Fame dinner, which was held Sunday at Cedar Rapids. Nineteen of almost two dozen candidates spoke at the annual meeting.

Biden fought back on Monday at a fundraiser in the nation's capital.

"One of my competitors has blamed me for not going to talk in Iowa for 5 minutes," he said, according to a pool report. "My granddaughter had just graduated. It was my daughter's birthday. I would skip the inauguration for that. "

And Biden will return to sniping in his speech at Davenport.


"I guess some were surprised to have made that choice, but I do not know why," he says. "Some things are more important than running for president – and my daughter and granddaughter are two, so I'll make the same decision every time."

At seven months of the Iowa caucus, Biden remains at the top of the standings in the state of Hawkeye. A survey released Thursday at Des Moines Register / CNN indicates that the former vice president had received 27% support, followed by Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont at 15% and Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts at 12%. Mayor of South Bend in Indiana, Pete Buttigieg at 10 years old. Kamala Harris, of California, at 9%. Everyone in the field is enrolled at 2% or less.


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