Biden defends a fundraiser with the founder of a fossil fuel company after critics of climate activists


The former vice president and presidential candidate, Joe Biden, insisted during a fundraising activity for the campaign, in New York, not to cash any funds, that he would not withdraw any contribution from the fossil fuel sector.

But the Thursday night fundraiser was held at the Manhattan luxury residence, Andrew Goldman, which helped found a natural gas company.


The emergence of the Democratic leader came just 24 hours after joining nine of his rivals for the White House at a climate change forum, where his next appearance at the fundraiser sparked some controversial.

"My friends, I know a lot of attention has been paid to your coming tonight, better than you expected," said Biden, speaking to donors at the fundraiser.

Biden said there had been a "misrepresentation" the night before at CNN's town hall – when a supporter of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders asked him why Biden should be trusted to fight climate change while he was heading to a co-organized fundraiser Goldman, one of the founders of the LNG Western, Texas-based natural gas company.

Without naming Goldman, Biden told the crowd at the fundraiser that "there was a discussion and I think a slight distortion of what was happening in relation to the climate".

But Biden did not specify what was badly presented.


The former vice president reiterated his promise not to accept contributions from fossil fuel companies, a wish that almost all candidates in the field of registration of candidates for the White House have taken.

"I just want to be very clear to everyone here: I pledged not to raise funds from senior executives responsible for fossil fuels and I will not do it tonight," he said. "Climate change is an existential threat and it is real."

Before the fundraiser, Biden campaign advisor Symone Sanders said on Twitter that "Vice President Biden has signed a pledge not to take money from fossil fuels. He sticks to that and he did not rape it.

She also claimed that "Andrew Goldman is not a responsible leader in fossil fuels. He is not involved in daily operations. He is not a member of the board of the company or the board of the portfolio company. "

However, LNG Western still indicates on the company's website that Goldman is part of his "management" team and his LinkedIn profile indicates that he is still working for the company.


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