Biden deploys science team members


President elect Joe bidenJoe BidenAzar in departure letter says riot on Capitol Hill threatens to ‘tarnish’ administration’s accomplishments House Democrats introduce measures to oppose Trump’s bombshell to Saudis On The Money: Retail sales drop, latest sign of weakening economy | Fast food workers strike for minimum wage | US officials concerned about Mexico’s management of energy permits READ MORE will deploy members of its science team on Saturday as it seeks to fill its administration and fight the coronavirus pandemic.

Biden will introduce Eric Lander, his candidate for director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and a science adviser appointed by the president; Alondra Nelson, her choice for OSTP deputy director for science and society; and Francis Arnold and Maria Zuber, his picks for the Co-Chairs of the Presidential Council of Science and Technology Advisors (PCAST).

Biden also said he would keep Francis Collins, the current director of the National Institute of Health, in his current role.

“This deeply respected group of diverse and eminently skilled scientists will bring together the strength of science to drive meaningful progress in people’s lives. They will help the Biden-Harris administration deal with some of the greatest crises and challenges of our time, from climate change and the impact of technology on society to pandemics, racial inequity and the historic economic downturn. current, ”Biden’s transition team said in a statement. Press release.

The deployment comes as Biden unveils his plan to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and deal with the economic fallout from the pandemic.

Biden detailed a $ 20 billion vaccination effort on Friday that would bolster the size of the federal government’s response and is part of a larger $ 415 billion plan focused on tackling the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Honestly, we are left in a very dark winter,” Biden said Friday, noting that the country is quickly approaching 400,000 dead. “The deployment of the vaccine in the United States has so far been a dismal failure.”

Biden has promised to administer 100 million vaccines in his first 100 days and to use federal resources, including the Federal Emergency Management Agency, to launch new mass vaccination sites. The administration also plans to expand national and local immunization efforts across the country, including pharmacies and community health centers.

In total, Biden plans to distribute $ 1.9 trillion to support coronavirus immunization efforts, help reopen schools, provide essential aid to workers and small businesses, tackle the hunger crisis, and send donations. funds to state and local governments.

Biden’s science team has extensive experience in various fields. Landler, for example, is a leading researcher in mapping the human genome, and Arnold won the 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.


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