Biden develops debt ceiling strategy with Pelosi and Schumer


Senate Democrats may also have to cancel a mid-October hiatus to raise the debt ceiling themselves via reconciliation, which allows the party to avoid GOP obstruction but would require negotiations with the parliamentarian and a some Republicans’ cooperation. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell confidently predicted Democrats would raise the debt ceiling “because we always do it,” although both parties generally support an increase.

“I know the country will not fail. I know they have the voices to do it, ”McConnell said in an interview. “I have no doubt they will take care of it.”

But Schumer has other plans in mind to designate Republicans as the “default” party and could force them to vote a second time on the House finance and debt proposal they blocked on Monday. House leaders also plan to pass an expenditure bill that excludes the debt ceiling and send a stand-alone debt ceiling bill to the Senate in the coming days.

Pelosi told Democrats that “there could be a timely vote” on the debt limit as early as this week and asked if there was anyone in his caucus “who wouldn’t vote to preserve the full faith and credit in the United States, ”according to Democrat sources.


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