Biden fills prime-time COVID-19 remarks with hitting Trump


In his first prime-time speech to the nation on Thursday night, President Biden hurled barely concealed criticism of former President Trump for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

“A year ago we were struck by a virus that was greeted with silence and spread unchecked, denials for days, weeks and then months – which led to more deaths, more infections, more stress and more loneliness, “said the president. “We have lost confidence in the ability of our government and our democracy to do things that are really difficult for the American people.”

Without ever naming the last administration, Biden highlighted issues that Trump has been criticized on, such as the importance of wearing a mask and “listening to the science” in deciding how best to reopen the economy.


“A mask, the simplest thing to do to save lives, sometimes it divides us, states pit it against each other instead of working with each other,” he noted, making a statement. nods to the recent move by Republican-led states to lift restrictions on coronaviruses, including mask warrants.

Biden urged Americans to listen to advice from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to continue wearing masks “to save lives.”

Trump’s refusal to wear a mask until several months after the start of the pandemic was an issue Biden criticized throughout the presidential race.

Biden called Dr Anthony Fauci “one of the world’s most distinguished and trusted voices”. The comment contrasted with that of Trump, who was at times a scathing critic of Fauci, the top doctor in his White House coronavirus task force.

Biden suggested Americans weren’t getting Trump’s honesty, reflecting on a visit he made to a small business owner in Philadelphia last summer.

“Looking me straight in the eye, she said, ‘I just want the truth,’” he said, describing what she said she needed most to help him get through the pandemic. .

“My fellow Americans, you owe nothing less than the truth,” the president added.

Biden noted that when he took office, only eight percent of people 65 and older had received their first vaccine, in contrast to the number of people who received the vaccine during his presidency.

Vaccines had only been made available recently when Biden took office


Biden pointed out how since joining the White House he has been working with Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson to “make and buy hundreds of millions of doses” of vaccines – meaning 65% of older people have received the vaccine. against the coronavirus in the last two. month.

Trump could not immediately be reached by Fox News for comment.


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