Biden gives Trump a nickname: "Clown"


Joe Biden

Former Vice President Joe Biden addresses a crowd of people at the Hyatt Park Community Center Saturday in Columbia, South Carolina. | Sean Rayford / Getty Images

COLUMBIA, SC – Joe Biden on Saturday described President Donald Trump as a "clown" after a supporter asked the former vice president whether he would make Trump's insults.

Biden, who is in his first participation in his 2020 campaign, told a score of supporters at a private fundraiser that he did not want to interfere in the mud with Trump.

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"There are so many nicknames that I am inclined to give to this guy," said Biden laughing. "You can just start with the clown."

Since launching its offer late April, Trump has paid special attention to Biden, including the caller "Sleepy Joe".

Biden said that if he planned to answer Trump if he was directly attacked, he thought it was part of the president's strategy to keep the dialogue away from the problems.

"On every question and every humiliating thing that he says about others, I have no problem answering directly," said Biden. "What I'm not going to do is get into what he wants me to do. He wants it to be a fight fight in the mud. "

Saturday marked the first two-day swing of Biden in South Carolina as part of a larger tour across the country that would bring him back to a rally in Philadelphia. Biden is voiced during a fundraiser in the private residence of Senator Dick Harpootlian, a lawyer and former president of the Democratic Party of South Carolina. Earlier in the day, Biden spoke at a rally in Colombia before heading to the private fundraiser where he gave a speech and answered questions from supporters for about 20 minutes. The Biden campaign allows limited media access to all of the candidate's fundraising activities.

Biden emphasized his background in foreign policy while he was arguing for the race.

"I think I'm right or wrong, I know as much about American foreign policy as anyone, including maybe even Kissinger. I say that because I did it all my adult life. "

At that time, Biden stammered his foreign leaders.

"I can say that it's Margaret Thatcher, um, excuse me, Margaret Thatcher – a Freudian slip," says Biden laughing in the room. "But I knew her too." He then corrected himself: "Britain's Prime Minister, Theresa May."

Biden also told the group that he once regretted having said that if he had been to high school, he would have taken Trump back and "beat him to death".

"Well guess what, I probably should not have done that," Biden said Saturday, "I do not want to reduce it to that level, the presidency is an office that requires some dignity."

Biden hinted at private conversations with Trump, adding, "I let him understand what I think of him."

The former vice president warned that the contest would soon be naughty and that he was expecting his family to be the target of attacks.

"This guy is going to take on me and my family," Biden said.

Biden then said that his grandchildren had urged him to run for president. He stated that one of his grandchildren had summoned a family reunion eight weeks ago and claimed that his grandchildren had urged him to show up after seeing degrading pictures on him online .

"Pop, you have to handle Pop," said Biden, one of his grandchildren. "Little Hunter" then explained to him that his grandson had shown him an online photo of Beau Biden's funeral. "Pop, it's written," Look at Biden molesting a child, "Biden told his grandson. "Pop, I know it's going to be mean, they'll say bad things about Dad."

"Mom and dad have divorced and they will really go after it," continued Biden, echoing what he said to his grandchildren.

"My point is that they know how difficult it is going to be."


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