Biden: Imagine what would have happened if Obama had been murdered


HANOVER, NH – Former Vice President Joe Biden posed Friday the hypothetical hypothesis to New Hampshire voters by discussing the volatile political climate that prevails today: what would happen if Barack Obama had been murdered?

The comment was made towards the end of a public meeting on the campus of Dartmouth College, apparently on health issues. This speech was not part of Biden's standard speech and had rarely, if ever, been heard before.

Biden, in a sinuous discussion of mental health issues and shootings in a school, spoke of milestones during his academic years: the assassinations of his "political heroes", Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr.

"My first semester, they were both shot and killed," he recalls. "Imagine what would have happened if, God forbid, if Barack Obama had been murdered after becoming the de facto candidate, what would have happened in America?"

It was a critical point to raise a day when the Biden campaign sought to capitalize on Biden's partnership with the former president, on the occasion of Obama's 11th birthday, announcing that Biden would be chosen to take the post of vice -President.

And this is in addition to Biden's ever-more scrutiny of occasional verbal language errors, as his campaign reinforced the argument that he was the Democrat with the best chance of defeating Donald Trump in November.

Just three days earlier, at an event in Iowa, Biden initially made a misstatement about the decade in which Kennedy and King were shot and wounded in the 1970s instead of 1968.

At a second event on Friday, Biden quickly turned to a stronger attack on the president, accusing him of becoming "more and more disturbed".

"He is now feeling the pressure of a recession-ridden economy and he's not managing it very well," Biden said. "His trade war with China is exploding in his face, and I think it will only make it more erratic."


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