Biden, in the clip redone in 2017, tells the amazing confrontation with the gang leader "villain" Corn Pop


A newly released video clip in 2017 shows Joe Biden telling a bizarre alleged incident in which he skilfully avoided a fight with a gang leader named Corn Pop, while Biden was the only supervisor of a Delaware pool, predominantly black , the summer of 1962.

Biden's puzzling explanation of how he deterred Corn Pop from circulating was spreading on social media as the former vice president sought to strengthen his powers with black voters. In a speech given Sunday afternoon at the 6th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, he told participants: "We are fighting for the soul of the United States" and the "revulsion of hate" can "bring out the best of us."

But Biden's rescue story was immediately interviewed by commentators with the hold in the black community. The former vice president has long claimed that he had asked to be a supervisor at the pool to better understand black America and said in his 2007 memoir that Corn Pop often tormented him at the pool . For example, Biden said Corn Pop would insult Biden's mother to distract him so that people could sneak into the pool.


"I learned a lot and I learned that it made a difference," Biden said in the 2017 video clip, documenting the ceremony at which Brown-Burton-Winchester Park was renamed Joseph R. Biden Aquatic Center Jr.

"It was the diving board, and I was one of the guards, and they were not allowed – it was a 3-meter springboard, and if you fell to the side, you would come across the fucking, uh, fucking cement there, "said Biden.

Some members of the crowd laughed, apparently from what Biden corrected his language, while a small group of black children surrounding Biden stared in front of him, seemingly indifferent.

"And CornPop was a bad guy, and he ran a bunch of bad guys, and at the time – to show how things had changed – one of the things you had to use, if you used pomade in your So he had to wear a baby's cap, so he was sitting on the board and did not want to listen to me, so I said, "Hey, Esther, you! Off the board, or I'm going to drag you. "Well, he came out and he said:" I find you out. "

Biden's comments referred to actress Esther Williams, a swimmer who became competitive, who died in 2013.

"My car was for the most part, it was all social housing behind us," continued Biden. "My car – there was a door here." I parked my car in front of the door and he said: "I will wait." He was waiting with three guys with Straight razors.Not a joke.There was a guy named Bill Wright the only white guy and he did all the pools.He was a mechanic.And I said: "What is what am I going to do? "And he said," Get down here in the basement, where all the mechanics – where is the whole builder of the pool. "You know the chain, there was a chain running through the 39; deep end and he cut a chain length of six feet and folded it and he said: 'You come out with this chain and you head to the car and say:' You can me cut the man, but I will wrap this string around your head. "

Biden continued: "I said," You make fun of me. "He replied," No, if you do not do it, do not come back. " And he was right. So I went out with the chain. And I walked up to my car. And at that time, you remember straight razors, you had to bang them on the pavement, rust them, put them in the rain barrel, rust them? And I watched it, but I was smart then. I said, "First of all," I say, "when I tell you to leave the board, you leave it, and I will fire you again, but I would not have had to call you Esther Williams, and I apologize for that.I apologize … but I did not know that the excuses were going to work. "

"He said 'you apologize to me?'" Pursued Biden. "I said:" I apologize but I did not kick you out, but I'm sorry for what I said. " He said 'OK', closed that razor, and my heart started beating again. "

The reaction to the clip was a mixture of confusion and skepticism.

"What is going on? I am really confused and I have the impression of losing the spirit," wrote journalist Yashar Ali.

However, former NAACP chairman Richard Smith corroborated Biden's story, saying the former vice president "held his position" despite Corn Pop's assault.

Speaking after Biden at the 2017 dedication, Delaware Democratic representative Blunt Rochester called the gang leader "Pop Corn" and explained to participants that Biden's story was "special" "because she" was showing the kind of man that Joe Biden is. "

"He was not afraid of being the only white lifeguard here," Rochester said. "It's never hidden, so for me, this pool is really representative of this man … This pool is a source of inspiration for us." He basically said: "stay awake, "before the millennia said" stay awake "and this is the situation we are currently in. That's why this group is a representation of you.We love you.Thank you very much for all your services. "

But others had doubts.

"They told Biden that Corn Pop wore a razor and that he would wait for him when he was at work," wrote Michael Harriott from the root. "Now, you and I both know that, if it were true, Biden would have just called the cops to drive him to the car."

Harriott added, "Whatever it is, says Biden, he has wrapped a metal chain around his arm and wrapped it in a towel." Because everyone knows that there is many black chains around the "African-American community", but no policemen. "

It has been "proven that Biden will make things," Harriott noted.

Biden has indeed told convincingly and sincerely inaccurate stories in the past. For example, in the Washington Post last month, a headline simply said: "When he is campaigning for the presidency, Joe Biden tells a moving but false story of war."

This incident implied a misrepresentation by Biden that he had ruled out security reasons for traveling to Afghanistan, at the request of a general, pin a silver star on an American soldier who had come in as a reminder in a ravine to find a dead comrade. Biden declared "as Biden" that he was saying "the truth of God" by explaining that the soldier had resisted Biden's efforts to award him the star of money.

"Except that almost every detail of the story seems incorrect," the post office said. "After talks with more than a dozen American soldiers, their commanders and Biden campaign officials, it seems that the former vice president has mixed elements of the minus three real events in one story of bravery, compassion and regret that never happened. "

Biden later dismissed concerns about its apparent manufacture as irrelevant.

"It has nothing to do with the judgment of whether you send troops to war, the judgment to bring home someone, the judgment to decide on a health policy" said Biden in comments last month from the NPR Politics Podcast and Iowa Public Radio. "The details are not relevant for decision making."


Commentators have also doubted many other Biden claims. For example, Alex Graywold of the Washington Free Beacon skeptically reacted to Biden's story of how his father, in the 1950s, reacted to the site of two men kissing each other while telling his son, "Joey, they love each other, it's simple. "

"Oh, of course, I'm absolutely convinced that Joe Biden saw two men kissing publicly in the 1950s and that his father, an Irish Catholic, reacted by approving it," wrote Griswold.


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