Biden jokes about physical contact during the first speech since allegations that he would have put women at ease


Biden was speaking at the construction conference of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers in Washington, DC. Before starting his speech, he said, "I just want you to know, I've had permission to kiss Lonnie." He was referring to IBEW President Lonnie Stephenson, who had just introduced him.

Biden came back on the subject with another joke in the middle of his remarks – after inviting a group of children to the scene, Biden put his arm around one of the children and said laughing: "By the way – he gave me permission to touch him."

Addressing reporters after his speech, Mr. Biden said his intention was not to "shed light on anyone's discomfort".

When asked if he was expecting other women to make allegations that made them feel uncomfortable, Biden told reporters that he "did not" would not be surprised ", but said that he had" hundreds and hundreds of people who contacted me and that you do not know. " know, say the opposite. "

In Wednesday's video, Biden said he would be more thoughtful and respectful in his interactions with the people of tomorrow.

"I've never thought politics was cold and antiseptic." I'd always thought about connecting with people, as I said, clasping hands, hands on the shoulder, hugging, encouragement, and now it's about taking selfies together You know, social norms have started to change, they've changed, and the boundaries of personal space protection have been reset, and I understand, I understand. "

Joe Biden in a new video: in the future, I will be more attentive to the respect of personal space

"I hear what they say, I understand it, and I will be much more attentive, it is my responsibility, my responsibility and I will respect it," he said.

Biden's video response comes several days after Lucy Flores, a former member of Nevada's parliament, wrote an essay detailing a 2014 meeting during which the former vice president made her feel "worried, disgusting and confused "when he got up behind her and kissed the back of his head. Several women have since told similar stories about Biden.

Flores responded to Biden's video, writing that she was "happy" to "acknowledge that he put women at ease," while stressing that he was not Was not excused for his behavior.

"Given the work that he has done on behalf of women, Vice President Biden should be aware of the importance of taking personal responsibility for inappropriate behavior," Flores wrote, "and Is not excused from women that he has put himself at ease. "

On Friday, when asked directly he would apologize, Biden said he did not regret his intentions.

"I'm sorry I did not understand better," he said. "I do not regret any of my intentions, I do not regret anything I've ever done, I've never been disrespectful, intentionally, towards a man or a woman." the reputation I've had since was in high school, for the sake of God. "

Biden and his team are dealing with the allegations of unwanted contacts as they prepare to make an announcement on its 2020 plans this month. When asked about when he will enter the race, Biden said his lawyers had told him to pay attention to what he was saying because he did not want to "start the clock and change my status".

"I am about to make the decision to stand before you soon enough," he said.

When a reporter asked him what the problem was, Biden replied, "Put everything in order, man, put everything in order."

Arlette Saenz from CNN contributed to this report.


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