Biden pandemic record: more spread, more deaths


Here’s a surprising fact: Nearly 200,000 people have died from COVID-19 under President Joe Biden’s watch. And this number cannot and will only increase.

Another way to look at it is that in the 215 days since Biden was sworn in, nearly 1,000 people have died from COVID on average every 24 hours.

It’s not particularly fair to put each of these deaths at its feet, but since when has anyone reporting pandemic numbers ever cared about fairness? The media certainly did not do this when Donald Trump was president.

But while it’s not entirely fair to blame Biden, it’s Following just to blame him for a death under his watch than to blame his predecessor for one that happened in 2020. Trump had no idea he would end his term in the face of a highly contagious airborne virus that confused scientists around the world.

Biden knew what he was getting into. He not only told voters to let him have it, but he promised he would “shut down the virus.” He wanted this responsibility, so why shouldn’t he be forced to own it?

Looking at it this way, Biden’s performance on the pandemic has been appalling. And this has apparently not gone unnoticed. A new NBC poll released on Sunday showed 53% of American adults approve of Biden’s “handling” of the virus, down 16 points since April.

This shouldn’t be a surprising development. Look what happened then. Biden took office with two nice gifts. One was that daily new cases of infection were down sharply on inauguration day, with a seven-day average of 195,000, from a peak of nearly 260,000 on January 8.

This trend continued to benefit Biden throughout June, and the president had also managed to secure another multibillion-dollar welfare program (sometimes referred to as “COVID relief”) to artificially increase the income of millions of workers.

Biden’s great fortune consisted of vaccines, the manufacture of which had nothing to do with his administration. The hard work of getting just one viable vaccine, let alone three, has been done by others. All Biden had to do was get it out to the public as quickly as possible.

The distribution was awkward, and Biden made his vice president look silly by claiming they had been delayed by the lack of a “stock” of vaccine. There is no reason that there was a stockpile of a vaccine that had to be created quickly and distributed immediately. To make matters worse, a significant portion of the population was hesitant and reluctant to receive an injection after Democrats spent weeks saying vaccines could have been rushed for political reasons and therefore might not be safe.

Now, since the beginning of July, we have seen a surge in new cases of infection, creating a wave of hospitalizations that is very similar to the one we have seen in the fall and winter. The New York Times reported last week that “more than 90,000 coronavirus patients were in hospitals nationwide, more than in any previous wave except last winter” and that we “have on average more than 800 newly reported deaths per day, about twice as many as in early August.

This is the landscape presented to us by the guy who promised to “stop the virus”. This is the guy who made the corny promise that he would ‘follow the science’ and put on a big show about how he would ‘listen to Dr Fauci’.

This is Biden’s pandemic record, and it sucks.


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