Biden: Political efforts to target son amount to ‘criminal act’


President-elect Biden said on Thursday he viewed political efforts to target his son, Hunter Biden, as “some sort of fault.”

In an interview with Stephen colbertStephen Tyrone ColbertJill Biden: Doctorate is one of the things I’m ‘most proud of’ Joe and Jill Biden to give their first joint interview since the election 12:30 p.m. Hill report: vaccinations start in the US MORE, Biden was asked how he might work with Republicans who attacked Hunter Biden.

Biden said he had “great faith in Hunter,” adding that he did not agree with the charges against him.

“It’s used to get to me, I think it’s kind of a foul, but look this is what it is and he’s a grown man,” Biden said. “He’s the smartest man I know in terms of pure intellectual ability, and as long as he’s good we’re good.”

When Colbert again asked if Biden could work with Republicans who had targeted Hunter Biden, Biden said he could.

“If it benefits the country, then yes. I really mean it, ”Biden said. “Because look, there’s so much going on and Americans, I think they can smell the noise, feel what’s real and what’s not true.”

Hunter Biden revealed last week that the Delaware attorney’s office is investigating his taxes. The investigation into its foreign trade relations would have started in 2018.

The President-elect declared the Wednesday that he is “confident” that his son has done nothing wrong.

Meanwhile, President TrumpDonald Trump Jill Biden: The doctorate is one of the things I’m ‘most proud of’ Azar tells Department of Health staff his wife has COVID-19: ‘Mild symptoms, but it’s okay good ” Michigan reinstates pandemic moratorium on water cuts MORE, who targeted Hunter Biden on the campaign trail, is said to be pushing for a special advocate to investigate him.


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