Biden promises 100 million shots and stimulus checks in next 10 days


  • Biden has pledged to get 100 million gunshots and 100 million checks in his pockets over the next 10 days.
  • As of Friday, the United States had already administered 100 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.
  • The American Rescue Plan stimulus checks are starting to hit Americans’ bank accounts.
  • See more stories on the Insider business page.

President Joe Biden said on Monday that the United States was on track to meet two big goals in the next 10 days: administering more than 100 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine and sending out 100 million stimulus checks.

“In the next 10 days, we will achieve two giant goals. The first is that 100 million shots in people’s arms will have been carried out in the next 10 days, and 100 million checks in people’s pockets,” said Biden during a speech at the White House.

“Gunshots and money in the pockets – it’s important,” he added.

The United States hit the opening goal on Friday, surpassing the 100 million shots administered mark. The figure covers the doses of the two-dose regimens of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna and of the single-dose vaccine from Johnson & Johnson.

As of Monday, 71 million Americans had received at least one dose of the vaccine, including 38.3 million who had been fully vaccinated, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This means that one in five American adults has received at least one dose of the vaccine.

The Biden administration recently made significant investments in vaccine supply to the United States. He plans to get enough vaccines for all American adults by the end of May.

During his first prime-time speech to the American people on Thursday, the president announced that the administration would order states and communities to make every adult eligible to be vaccinated by May 1.

Biden also confirmed that he would appoint former national economic adviser Gene Sperling to oversee the implementation of the US bailout, the broad COVID-19 relief package that Biden signed into law on Thursday.

The bill includes stimulus checks of $ 1,400 for people below certain income thresholds and other direct assistance to families. It followed the bill signed by President Donald Trump in December, which issued checks for $ 600 to eligible people.

“We’re just getting started,” Biden said Monday. “By the time all the money is distributed, 85% of American households will have received $ 1,400 in rescue checks.”

Some people have already received their payments and millions more Americans are set to receive theirs in their bank accounts on Wednesday. People can check the status of their check with the IRS ‘Get My Payment’ tool.

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