Biden publishes financial information and has made more than $ 15.5 million before taxes in the last two years


Former Vice President Joe Biden, who has raised millions of dollars since his departure, released his statement of financial status form on Tuesday as well as three years of tax returns.

The documents show that Biden and his wife, Jill, earned more than $ 11 million in 2017 before taxes and more than $ 4.5 million in 2018 before taxes. Biden's campaign revealed that the vast majority of this income ($ 10,048,739 in 2017 and $ 3,236,764 in 2018) came from payments to the couple for the writing of two books: "Promise Me, Dad" Joe and Jill's Where the Light Entrters. as paid speeches.

Biden's first book, a story of the death of cancer caused by his son Beau, was the top seller in 2017.

Mr. Biden, who has never been one of the richest members of Congress during his decades as a senator, has seen his fortune change dramatically since the end of the Obama administration.

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Former Vice President Joe Biden has raised millions of dollars since his departure.


Couple's income from books and conferences was paid through so-called S-companies, which the campaign described as "a common method for taxpayers with external sources of revenue to consolidate their income and expenses." Jill Biden has employed staff and hired subcontractors to support their work through their S companies, known as "CelticCapri" and "Giacoppa".

Joe Biden also earned more than $ 775,000 in 2017 and 2018 as a professor and namesake of the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, while Jill Biden won more than $ 90,000 in the last two years. Northern Virginia Community College.

During a four-decade political career, Biden has reported a little more than his salary to the government.

The Democratic leader of the 2020 presidential race, who has released the last 21 years of tax returns, has moved into a vast mansion on the outskirts of Washington since leaving the White House.


"The middle class Joe" recently resided in a 12,000-square-foot house in McLean, Virginia, featuring 'five bedrooms and 10 bathrooms, marble fireplaces, a gym and a gym.' 39, a sauna, "reported the Washington Post month.

The Bidens rent the house to the multinational Mark Ein.


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