Biden reportedly backing MLB All-Star Game’s move out of Georgia


President BidenJoe Biden The Hill’s Morning Report – Biden Seeks Expanded Government, Tax Hikes Five Things To Watch For Biden’s Infrastructure Plan GOP Seeks New Line Of Attack Against Biden Economic Plans READ MORE Wednesday, said he would support Major League Baseball moving this year’s All-Star Game out of Atlanta in response to recently signed legislation that tightens election laws in Georgia.

“I think professional athletes today are acting incredibly responsible. I would support them strongly for that,” Biden told ESPN in an interview on the eve of baseball’s opening day.

“The people the most victims are the ones who are the leaders in these different sports. And that is just not correct,” added Biden. “It’s Jim Crow on steroids … what they’re doing in Georgia.”

A number of prominent figures within MLB, including the association’s chief players, have called for a possible relocation of the All-Star Game in response to Georgia’s voting law.

League commissioner Rob Manfred told The Associated Press on Wednesday that he and union leader Tony Clark had discussed the idea, but would not give details on when the league would make a decision on the game. from mid-July.

“I speak to various constituencies within the game and I just don’t go beyond what I would or might not consider,” Manfred said.

Georgian law, which Gov. Brian kempBrian Kemp The Hill’s Morning Report – Biden seeks expanded government, tax hikes Strong anxiety over Trump in Georgia GOP Phil Murphy signs legislation expanding early voting in NJ PLUS (R) signed last week, has become a flashpoint in the debate over the GOP’s efforts to restrict voting access following the 2020 election.

Georgian law extends early voting hours, requires additional identification to conduct postal voting, grants voters additional powers to challenge voter eligibility, and makes it a crime for non-election workers to provide information. food and water to voters in line.

Democrats have denounced the law, arguing that it deprives voters of their rights and restricts access to the ballot. Several other Republican legislatures are considering similar measures after President TrumpDonald Trump The Hill’s Morning Report – Biden Seeks Expanded Government, Tax Hikes Voter limits in Georgia take root amid weakening Justice Department battle raging over vaccine passports MORE has made repeated false claims that the 2020 election was riddled with voter fraud.


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