Biden rolls back Trump’s ban on federal funds for abortion referral clinics


The Biden administration on Monday repealed a 2018 Trump-era regulation that blocked federal funding for family planning clinics that refer patients for abortion.

The new rule, which will allow Title X money to resume for abortion referral clinics, will take effect on November 8.

“Now more than ever, we are making it clear that access to quality family planning care includes accurate information and referrals – based on the patient’s needs and referral,” Xavier Becerra said of about of the revision.

A California federal appeals court ruled in favor of the Trump administration in 2019 despite lawsuits from more than 20 states, according to the Washington Post.

Abby Johnson, former director of Planned Parenthood and founder of And Then There Were None, told Fox News in a statement on the settlement: “Abortion clinics and clinics that refer to abortion should never receive taxpayer funding. Polls indicate that most Americans agree with this. If abortion advocates want the government to come out of their room, then they should stop taking government money.

“While Title X money shouldn’t go to clinics that recommend abortion, Planned Parenthood and their allies are experts at getting around this minor rule and now, thanks to Biden and everyone who voted for him, they don’t need to hide it anymore. “


The new rule comes amid a case pending before the Supreme Court that some claims could undermine or even lead to the to spill by Roe v. Wade. On December 1, the Supreme Court will hear arguments in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which challenges a Mississippi law that prohibits most abortions when the “probable gestational age of an unborn human” is greater than 15 weeks.

Carrie C. Severino, the president of the Judicial Crisis Network, said The New York Times, “There are going to be people who are going to lose their minds because of this matter, no matter which direction it takes.”


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