Biden says he does not know the name of Boris Johnson but that the British leader "looks like Donald Trump"


ROCK HILL, South Carolina – JBiden forgot the name of the British Prime Minister after extolling his knowledge of foreign policy.

"I do not know the new Prime Minister of England. He looks like Donald Trump, I know, "said the former vice-president at a public meeting organized by Clinton College.Biden commented on this question by answering a question about his program on Biden claimed that he was the only candidate for the Democratic presidency having relations with foreign leaders.

Boris Johnson became prime minister on July 24, after being secretary of foreign affairs and mayor of London for seven years, among other roles.

This is not the first time that Mr Biden, former chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has confused the names of foreign leaders, especially British ones. At a fundraiser on May 4, Biden, 76, missed the name of the then British prime minister, Theresa May, calling him the name of the new president. former prime minister Margaret Thatcher.

Biden's verbal errors also concerned domestic problems. Addressing the Asian and Latin American Coalition of Iowa in mid-August, Biden said: "Poor children are just as bright and as talented as white kids -" correcting themselves "- wealthy children, black children, Asian children. "

[[[[Read also: "It does not stop to say nonsense": Iowa Democrats concerned about Biden's gaffes]


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