Biden says he doesn’t need Trump to cooperate with POTUS transition


  • President-elect Joe Biden said on Tuesday that he did not need President Donald Trump’s cooperation to succeed as president.
  • Biden has started his transition and made announcements, even though Trump has not conceded and continues, without evidence, to challenge the election results.
  • The government has a formal process for the transitions, but so far it is delayed, depriving Biden of resources and information.
  • Biden said the help would be “helpful” but not necessary for his preparation: “We don’t see anything slowing us down, quite frankly.”
  • Visit the Business Insider homepage for more stories.

President-elect Joe Biden said on Tuesday he did not need President Donald Trump’s help to prepare for the presidency.

Trump refused to give in to Biden, although Biden won the electoral college votes necessary to win the presidency last week.

Instead, Trump challenged the election results, promoting unsubstantiated claims of widespread voter fraud and launching more than a dozen legal challenges in battlefield states.

As Business Insider’s Jake Lahut previously reported, Trump’s denial means Biden has so far been denied access to basic transition documents such as funding, office space, classified information. and security clearances.

But Biden said Tuesday that not having access “doesn’t change the dynamics of what we are able to do.”

“We don’t see anything slowing us down, quite frankly.”

Joe biden

Joe Biden.

Drew Angerer / Getty Images

“We are already starting the transition,” he said. “We are well advanced.”

Biden has taken steps to assert himself, including appointing a transition team, a coronavirus task force and organizing appeals with world leaders, many of whom acknowledged his victory over the weekend.

“We are going to move forward in a coherent fashion in putting together our administration, our White House, looking at who we are going to choose for Cabinet positions, and nothing is going to stop it.”

Presidents-elect typically receive classified briefings as part of the transition. Biden didn’t, but said, “Access to classified information is useful, but I’m not in a position to make decisions on these issues anyway. It would be nice to have it but it doesn’t is not critical. “

Axios reported on Tuesday that Biden’s transition team was considering legal action if the transition processes did not begin. However, during the press conference, Biden did not “see the need for legal action.”

Biden is due to be sworn in as president in January 2021, after the transition period.


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