Biden slams Republican lawmakers, telling them to ‘step aside’ as US nears debt ceiling


President Biden criticized Republicans on Monday for refusing to help raise the debt ceiling, and asked them to step down if they are unwilling to vote with Democrats to prevent the nation from defaulting.

“Republicans just have to let us do our job. Just step aside,” he told the White House. “If you don’t want to help save the country, stay away, so you don’t destroy it.”

The president said Democrats were prepared to raise the debt ceiling on their own this week, but Republicans were stopping them, having blocked two attempts to suspend the debt ceiling just last week. Last Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer asked the Senate to allow a simple majority to vote to raise the debt ceiling, but Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell did so. opposite, thus blocking the vote.

In a letter to Mr Biden on Monday, McConnell reiterated that Republicans will not help raise the debt ceiling and that Democrats should do it themselves, a position Republicans have taken since mid-July.

“The debt limit is often a partisan vote in times of unified government. In 2003, 2004 and 2006, Mr. Speaker, you joined Senate Democrats in opposing debt limit increases and called on Republicans to do it ourselves, ”the letter read. “You explained to the Senate that your ‘no’ votes did not mean that you wanted the majority to let the country fail, but rather that the president’s party had to take responsibility for a political program that you opposed. point of view is therefore ours. now. “

Mr Biden addressed his past votes on Monday, saying it was a direct top-down vote and the Senate was not demanding 60 votes at the time or threatening filibuster.

The United States is rapidly approaching its debt limit – which could happen in about two weeks – risking a first-time default in United States history and economic catastrophe.

“Raising the debt ceiling is paying what we already owe, what has already been earned, nothing new,” Biden said. “It starts with a simple truth. The United States is a nation that pays its bills and has always done so since its inception.”

The president accused GOP senators of obstruction, calling their efforts “hypocritical, dangerous and shameful.” He said the easiest way to quickly tackle the debt limit would be to vote on a clean measure this week, but Republicans threatened to filibuster – forcing Democrats to find 60 votes in the Senate , which they do not have, because the Senate is evenly divided, 50-50.

“They will not increase it even if the default results in a self-inflicted injury that will rock our economy and risk jobs, retirement savings, social security benefits, salaries for the military, benefits for the military. veterans and much more, more, ”Biden said.

The president argued that the Senate should pass a measure already approved in the House to increase the debt limit and pushed back on Republicans suggesting they use a longer reconciliation process to pass it.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has warned lawmakers that the United States reach your debt ceiling around October 18, just 14 days. She and other officials warn of catastrophic economic consequences if the United States does not suspend or increase the debt limit at that time and the country does not meet its obligations.

“At this point, we would expect the Treasury to end up with very limited resources that would quickly run out,” Yellen said last week in a letter to leaders in Congress.

The United States has never defaulted on its debt. He has raised or suspended the debt ceiling nearly 80 times since 1960. President Biden pointed out that it was suspended three times under President Trump, even as the debt rose.

“Their obstruction and irresponsibility knows absolutely no bounds,” Biden said.

The president’s remarks come as his legislative agenda remains in limbo. Liberal and Moderate Democrats failed to reach agreement on a spending bill to extend the social safety net last week. He also suspended a vote on the bipartisan infrastructure bill, as planned last week, as progressives threatened to derail it without the larger spending bill being completed. Senator Joe Manchin, a key vote in a 50-50 Senate, said his turnover was $ 1.5 trillion, far less than the $ 3.5 trillion originally proposed.

During his remarks, Mr Biden said his proposals included plans to pay them off that would not increase debt.

He vowed to “work like hell” to do it all. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said he believed Democrats could complete both bills next month.


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