Biden Steps Up COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign with New Rules for Federal Workers


Washington – President Biden called on state and local governments to use COVID-19[female[feminine relief funds to give $ 100 to residents who get vaccinated and said federal workers will need to show proof of vaccination or face new restrictions in the workplace, including complying with weekly tests.

“We’re not quite out of the woods yet. Because what’s happening in America right now is a pandemic, an unvaccinated pandemic,” Biden said in a White House speech Thursday. “Let me repeat it. It is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. ”

The new rules for federal workers and the call for cash payments are part of a larger push by the administration to get more Americans vaccinated as the Delta variant coronavirus is fueling an increase in new infections nationwide. The vast majority of COVID-19 cases are still among the unvaccinated, and the Biden administration says 97% of COVID-19 hospital patients have not received their vaccines.

“Look, this is not about Red States and Blue States. It is literally life and death,” the president said, begging Americans to get vaccinated.

The federal government does not allow new funding for immunization incentives. Instead, the White House is calling on states, towns and territories to use remaining funds from the $ 1.9 trillion US bailout adopted in March to cover cash payments.

“I know that paying people who get vaccinated may seem unfair to people who have been vaccinated before,” Biden said. “But here’s the deal – if there are any incentives that help us beat this virus, I think we should use them. We all benefit if we can get more people vaccinated.”

President Biden speaks about COVID-19 vaccinations in the East Room of the White House on July 29, 2021.

SAUL LOEB / AFP via Getty Images

The White House highlighted the success of similar vaccine incentive programs in states like Ohio, New Mexico and Colorado, and cited research indicating that one-third of unvaccinated Americans said payments in cash would make them more likely to be vaccinated.

All federal workers and on-site contractors will be asked to confirm their immunization status, the president said. Anyone who is not fully immunized will be expected to wear a mask at work, undergo weekly or bi-weekly testing, and stay physically away from all other employees. The federal government employs over 2 million people in its civilian workforce, outside of the military.

“Every day, more and more companies are implementing their own vaccine mandates,” Biden said. “The Department of Justice has made it clear that it is legal to require COVID-19 vaccines. We all want our lives to get back to normal, and fully vaccinated workplaces will allow this to happen faster and more efficiently. more success. We all know that in our With incentives and mandates we can make a huge difference and save a lot of lives. ”

Mr Biden said he is asking the Defense Secretary to consider how and when the military will add the COVID-19 vaccine to the long list of mandatory vaccinations for the military.

The Department of Defense cannot force the use of a vaccine approved for emergency use, like the three US vaccines, but the president has the power to lift this restriction. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has said getting the vaccine is currently voluntary for the military, but the Pentagon encourages all troops to get the vaccine. At least 70% of active duty military personnel have received the first dose and 62% are fully immunized.

After his speech, the president answered questions from reporters, including a question about the possibility of broader mandates for vaccines.

“I have asked the Justice Department to determine if they are able to do it legally, and they can. Local communities can do it, local businesses can do it,” the president said. “It’s always a question of whether the federal government can mandate the whole country. I don’t know.”

As part of the renewed vaccination effort, Mr Biden said small and medium-sized businesses can be reimbursed for offering employees paid time off to get vaccinated or have their family members vaccinated. He also said the administration was stepping up efforts to vaccinate students over 12 before the start of the new school year.

About 70% of American adults have received at least one dose of their coronavirus vaccine, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Biden administration has pushed those who have yet to receive their vaccines to do. On Wednesday, more than 754,000 doses of vaccines were administered, including 498,000 newly vaccinated people, according to Cyrus Shahpar, the White House COVID-19 data director.

Many state and local leaders announced this week that they would reinstate mitigation measures, and some imposed new vaccine requirements for public workers amid rising new coronavirus infections. Almost everyone hospitalized with COVID-19 is not vaccinated, White House officials have said.

The Department of Veterans Affairs announced on Monday that it require all medical personnel to get their COVID-19 vaccines, and a coalition of major medical organizations is lobby for mandatory vaccinations for all American healthcare workers. California and New York City are also require all state and city employees get vaccinated against COVID-19 or have frequent tests.


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