Biden swears in staff and appointees – and threatens to fire anyone who disrespects


While he didn’t mention former President Donald Trump by name, his message to treat others with respect and to tackle pressing issues of racism, economic inequality and climate change contrasted sharply with the turmoil from Trump’s White House. He added that their loyalty lies with the American people, not him – another contrast to the Democrats’ frequent criticism that the former president valued personal loyalty above all else.

“People don’t work for us, we work for people,” Biden said. “I work for people. They pay my salary. They pay your salary.

The swearing-in took place during a video conference at the White House due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Biden was asked at the end of the ceremony if he was concerned that the Senate might not confirm his cabinet appointments quickly enough, to which he replied, “No.”

“I am convinced that we can act quickly,” he said.


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