Biden: the democratic field will diminish rapidly at the beginning of next year


Joe Biden

Former Vice President Joe Biden speaks to reporters after eating Wednesday at a taco restaurant in Los Angeles, California. | Mario Tama / Getty Images

LOS ANGELES – Joe Biden predicted Wednesday that the group of Democratic presidential candidates would be "quickly defeated" next year, thus dismissing fears that a long and controversial primary could weaken the candidate proposed by the party.

"This area is going to be drained pretty quickly," Biden told reporters at a King Taco restaurant in Los Angeles.

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Noting the threshold of 15% of Democratic candidates in Iowa, the first caucus state in the country, and California, which will reward its delegates in early March, Biden said, "This will unfold quite quickly for all of us. "

He said he entered the race too late because "the process is already too long"

Biden, appearing at taco restaurant with Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, was attending a fundraiser on the West Coast. He promised to "speak badly" of any Democratic candidate, calling for an intra-partisan and unseemly quarrel over the "last thing the Democratic Party needs now". Kamala Harris, of California, who runs, Biden congratulated them for their "qualification".

"This idea that … we have a lot of people who are not qualified or not eligible, come on, give me a break," he said.

Biden continued to attack Trump, dismissing the concerns of some Democrats that the priority given to the removal of the president could help Trump politically next year.

"I do not think we should look at it that way," he said, accusing Trump of trying to "reduce all other branches of government."

"Whether it's useful or not for the Democratic candidate should not be the measure," said Biden. "This is the responsibility of the Congress. And I think they have to keep pushing. "

Biden, the Democratic primary poll leader, answered a host of questions from reporters as he sat next to Garcetti, who has not yet endorsed a running candidate.

But the mayor was ready to help Biden with a quick blow to Trump.

When a woman mentioned that she owned her own spray tanning business and asked her if he needed an aerosol tan, Garcetti said that she had the bad candidate.

"He's the other guy," he says.


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