Biden thinks Trump is the problem, not all Republicans. Other democrats disagree.


Some Democrats have stated that the idea of ​​trying to predict eligibility and to make Mr. Trump an "aberration" had been attempted by Mrs. Clinton in 2016 – and that had failed.

"I think the party went through that and the 2016 elections showed that Trumpism is not just Donald Trump, it's also the Republican Congress as a whole," said Rebecca Katz, non-aligned Progressive Democratic strategist at of the 2020 Contest. "Until there is someone in the Republican Party who can stand up to Trump, none of them will be better than Trump."

Republicans lined up on Mr. Trump say that, regardless of the president's failures, he oversaw a growing economy, nominating a wide range of conservative judges and a significant reduction in taxes. They note that they express their disagreement when they do not agree with his policy; Mr. Trump has recently suffered setbacks on the appointments he wanted to make to the Federal Reserve, for example because of the Republican opposition.

Of course, in a group of 21 Democratic candidates, Mr. Biden is not the only candidate to run as a potential healer. Senator Cory Booker explained that she was trying to "channel our common pain toward a common goal." Senator Amy Klobuchar spoke about her bipartite skills. And Senator Michael Bennet entered the race last week, arguing for moderation as a "pragmatic idealist."

But Mr. Biden is by far the most important.

In a brewery in Iowa City, while Anne Spencer was wondering if she would support the former vice president, she wondered what had become of all the Republican critics of Mr. Trump in 2016. "Those who have denounced him are now with him," he said. "It just puts a question to our system."

"We hope," she added Mr. Trump, "it is an aberration."

A few minutes later, Mr. Biden was on stage, stressing the need to work together. "We must unify this country," he said. "It's not only: the other side is not my enemy, it's my opposition. And guys, we have to take it, we have to do it in real life. "


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