Biden to be examined by doctor after ankle twist


President elect Joe bidenJoe Biden Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturns GOP bid to stop electoral certification Biden looks to career leaders to restore confidence and morale in government agencies Biden’s transition adds new members to task force on coronavirus PLUS will be examined by a doctor after slipping and twisting his ankle while playing with his dog Major, Biden’s transition team announced on Sunday.

Biden’s slip happened on Saturday while playing with one of his two German Shepherds. The transition team said the president-elect will be seen by an orthopedist on Sunday afternoon as a precaution.

The former vice president, who turned 78 last week, will become the longest serving president in U.S. history.


Biden was widely recognized as the president-elect for three weeks, but President TrumpDonald John Trump Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturns GOP offer to stop electoral certification Biden looks to career leaders to restore confidence and morale in government agencies Sunday Sneak Peek: U.S. health officials stand by prepare for the rise of COVID-19 after the holidays PLUS refused to concede, instead promoting unsubstantiated claims that widespread voter fraud contributed to Biden’s victory.

Trump’s campaign has filed several lawsuits in different battlefield states to challenge the vote, with little success.

Major and Biden’s other German Shepherd, named Champ, is expected to become the first dogs in a return to tradition after the Trump family did not have a dog in the White House.


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