Biden to bring prez campaign to Georgia in June


Atlanta will feel a bit like Iowa on June 6th.

Three presidential candidates were already on their way to the city that day for a fundraiser with Stacey Abrams.

Former Vice President Joe Biden has announced his intention to travel to Atlanta on June 5 to attend an event (details have not been released yet) and to stay for a fundraiser at noon the next day. .

This is the first Democratic Leader's campaign visit to Georgia, and the latest in a series of trips to Atlanta's White House hopes.

His visit coincides with the June 6 fundraiser that will bring together US Senator Cory Booker, Mayor Pete Buttigieg and former Beto O'Rourke representative to the city for a joint event with Abrams, which is still considering running for president.

The most influential leaders and Democratic activists in Georgia remain neutral at the beginning of the match, but former US Senator Max Cleland quickly endorsed Biden after entering the race.

The Biden fundraiser is hosted by Mack Wilbourn, a major airport concessionaire who has organized events for President Barack Obama at his Midtown mansion.

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