Biden to push another coronavirus recovery bill on top of $ 1.9 billion package: Psaki


(Official White House photo by Adam Schultz)

President Biden will have ‘more to say’ in April about his coronavirus recovery plan focused on issues like healthcare and women leaving the workforce after pushing a 1.9-fold coronavirus relief package trillion dollars earlier this month, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said on Sunday.

“When the president advocated for the American bailout, he spoke of two stages: rescue and then recovery. What the American people will hear from him this week is part of his plan, the first stage of his plan. recovery that will include an investment in infrastructure, ”Psaki told Fox News Sunday.

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“He will have more to say later in April about Part 2 of his recovery plan, which will include a number of the things you talked about – health care, child care, fix it. crisis right now, the number of women who have left the workplace, “she continued.” The full package, we are still working. “

This package and the infrastructure bill expected from Democrats will be “two separate proposals,” Psaki said.

“We will work with the Senate and the House to see how this should go forward,” she said.

Biden is expected to detail an infrastructure package Wednesday during a speech in Pittsburgh.

Senior Democratic officials are proposing up to $ 3 trillion in new spending for a jobs and infrastructure bill that would become the foundation of Biden’s “Build Back Better” program. Politico reported that Democrats are eager to get what they can into the package, including new measures on drug prices and climate policy.

Meanwhile, federal debt is set to double to 202% of gross domestic product over the next 30 years, according to the Congressional Budget Office. The national debt stands at over $ 28 trillion.

Megan Henney of Fox Business contributed to this report.


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