Biden to take Covid-19 booster photo on camera amid criticism of his vaccine mandate – RT USA News


US President Joe Biden is set to receive the Covid-19 recall and he will do so on TV, White House press secretary Jen Psaki told media on Monday. Biden was determined to get Americans to embrace the jab.

The recall has been approved by the FDA, only for high-risk patients and the elderly. Despite protests from Biden’s top medical adviser, Anthony Fauci, who insists Americans will need three injections for “complete vaccinationThe agency refused to approve Pfizer shot boosters for everyone. However, the oldest president of the United States belongs to a high-risk group.

The third shot has already been deployed in Israel, where some are already approaching their second booster shot – their immunity plummeting and their hospitalization with Covid suggesting that the shot’s immunity may not last as long as initially hoped. . Others blamed the Delta variant, which is said to be easier to catch, especially in children.

But no matter how many reasons they are given for accepting the jab, a relatively large segment of the American population has refused to go easy on the needle. A September poll found that most Americans believe Biden’s vaccine mandates set a bad precedent that could be abused in the future.

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The president’s vaccine evangelism is well known, having accused unvaccinated Americans of supposedly preventing everyone from returning to pre-pandemic “normal” – already an impossibility, at least according to medical superstars like Fauci. Mask warrants remain the law of much of the country, even as scores of people supposedly adjacent to herd immunity get vaccinated, leading many to wonder when they and their children could ever remove the covers. – now ubiquitous disposable face.

The news that vaccinated and unvaccinated people carried similar viral loads, meaning each was just as likely to infect someone else, has also led some to question whether reusing the same formula of vaccine that failed to prevent the emergence of the Delta variant is the best. idea.

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