Biden wears beige suit similar to the one that sparked Obama ‘controversy’


Looks like Joe Biden got the suit from Barack Obama.

The president turned a tanned sight on Friday, as he delivered a speech in a suit people online couldn’t help but notice that looked a lot like the one his predecessor sadly rocked at a press conference ago. is seven years old – and who roasted it so much that it triggered “the tan suit door.”

Biden wore the sand-colored fitted suit with a green tie and an American flag pin on his left lapel while reporting on job growth last month – the same look Obama wore in 2014 as he also delivered an economic speech.

At the time, political fashion police criticized Obama’s clear look as inappropriately relaxed, with Rep. Peter King (RN.Y.) saying this revealed his “lack of seriousness.”

Twitter users were quick to point out Friday that Biden and Obama were buddies in twin costume – with one observer calling him “the daring of the mole” and others teasing that Biden is a suit coat impersonator.

President Joe Biden
President Joe Biden wore a suit similar to Barack Obama’s that sparked a “tan suit door.”
Getty Images

“Obama always wore it better. But thank you Joe, ”cracked an observer.

Others wondered if Biden was “hanging around” the criticisms that lambasted Obama all those years ago.

President Barack Obama wearing his infamous beige suit on August 28, 2014.
President Barack Obama wearing his infamous beige suit on August 28, 2014.
Getty Images

“Please tell me it’s some kind of shadow projection!” Another Twitter user wrote – while another tweeted sarcastically, “Will the tan suit scandal bring down the Biden presidency and / or Western civilization?” “

A spokeswoman for Biden did not immediately return a request for comment.

President Joe Biden
President Joe Biden wore the sand-colored tailored suit with a green tie and US flag pin while reporting job growth last month.
Yuri Gripas – Pool via CNP / MEG


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